love photo shop myself, but haven't gotten alot of practice. any tips you'd like to share?
Seroiusly...don't know what your weaknesses are....will tell you how I put one of the images togather....
The cat and golfish has ten layers that make up the image in total.. The goldfish bowl is a stock photo...a goldfish bowl on white background...that's what I started with, the bowl...decided it would look good on a table, but needed a background first...extracted the wall from another image. That gave me two layers.
Extracted the table...layered it between the wall and bowl layer. Thought a cat would look "kwel", found just the right one, but neeed something for the cat to sit on, thus the chair.
The washer, laundry and wine shelf are fillers for rounding out the image...Realized you don't have wndow less room, thus the window.
After all of it was "layered togather" thought it would be funny for the golfish to be packing heat. used a pen tool to give the fish it's expression with the pistol being the last layer. All the layers had to be blended. There are several filters and tools used to tweak and adjust an image.....All the images I posted were done in the same manner...some have more layers than others.
Needless to say, some of my images are junk, but I am learning everyday.
Thanks for taking the time to look at the pictures...