Gas price relief in the near future??????
by zeroday 9 Replies latest jw friends
An additional 500,000 barrels.
Good news.
But not enough.
I think I read somewhere that we are around 2,000,000 short of demand right now.
I heard this too, but didn't hear anything about "lowering" the price, only making it more available. Perhaps the Arabs are a little scared of the new technology that is starting to come out that may eliminate the oil demand in the future.
Well, they can always sell sand for making sandboxes if that happens.
I just find it odd that it's always the Saudis they ask to increase oil output. Don't other countries want to cash in? Or be ready to produce more? I don't know, but if I had excess oil to sell right now, especially at the prices they are now, I'd definitely say.."Who wants oil I got some for sale", right? So why don't we see that? Their story is just bull, imo.
However, I think prices will come down significantly at the end of summer. Just in time for election day, so the for-sure losers this fall..(ie:republicans), will be able to use their status of saviours of the economy to try and win the election.
I have a way to relieve yourself of any price hikes of gas. It comes with two wheels. True, you cannot go 130 km/h with it, and if it rains you get wet. But, it also uses no gas whatsoever. And it can help you with your weight if you need to lose any.
It is called a bicycle. On short trips (say, 10 km or less), a bicycle is very efficient and will help you get there (often faster than getting out the car, starting it up, driving, finding a parking spot, and then walking to your destination. And fighting city traffic. The down side is that you will do all the work, and if it rains you get wet. And there is no air conditioning when the temperature reaches 40 C/100 F and it is muggy.
You can always use an umbrella with the bicycle but it's not guaranteed you won't get wet
Damn, he held the umbrella to the bitter end.
LOL, and judging by the amount of water there I don't know if the umbrella was of any help in the first place
OPEC Sells oil for $136.00/barrell
OPEC Nations buy grain at $7.00/bushel
Solution: Sell Grain for $136.00/bushel
Can't buy it? Tough! Eat your oil!
Ouht to go well with a nice thick grilled filet of camel ass!!
It costs Saudi Arabia two dollars to bring a barrel of their sweet oil to market. The oil is costing us $130+ dollars for that two dollar barrel. We pay more than twice as much for a gallon of gasolene as it costs the Saudis to produce 55 gallons of oil.
Something is wrong about our "friends" over there, doncha think?