1910 Jewish Hopes-Jerusalem Restoration Prospects--PDF! BM=Bookmarked S=Searchable R=Reduced from 43-MB to 9-MB
1910 Jewish Hopes--PDF!
by Atlantis 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
- 1909 God's Covenants B. H. Barton, 48 pages
- 1909 The Sin Offering and the Covenants 28 pages
- 1910 Jewish Hopes - Jerusalem Restoration Prospects 80 pages1911 What Say the Scriptures About Hell? 80 pages red paper cover
- 1912 The Bible vs The Evolution Theory 48 pages
- circa 1912 The Great Pyramid and the Bible 66 pages
http://www.freeminds.org/sales/wtpubs.htm#bklt After page 20, this booklet refers the reader to study # 8 in "Thy Kingdom Come, The Restoration of Israel," which explains the page number increase. Click the link at the bottom of the next page. http://www.sendspace.com/file/k56fdxCheers! Atlantis!-
Great, thanks Atlantis!
Thank you Randy! Here, have a six-pack!
Cheers! Atlantis!-
better than the copy I had
thanks Atlantis
Thanks Atlantis. I've never seen this publication before.
Found this article in Zion's Watchtower (Jan. 1911) concerning this booklet:
We have in the English a pamphlet which gives certain extracts from STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, Vol. III., and the Jerusalem sermon, 10c. each; in quantities, 60c. per dozen.
For those Jews who read Yiddish we have secured a large edition of the newspaper, Die Stimme, which contains Jerusalem news and reports of several of Brother Russell's sermons to the Jews.
This paper is very acceptable amongst the Jews. It does not point them to Jesus of Nazareth, but does point to the Messiah of Glory. It gives assurances that the time of the establishment of his Kingdom is near, and that then the Jews will be blessed. It points them to the land of Palestine as the place where the national blessings will begin. It does not say so, but all WATCH TOWER readers well know that according to prophecy it will be then and there that Israel's blindness will be turned away and they will recognize him whom they pierced.
It is not our expectation that the Jews will be converted to Christianity. Theirs is the chief of earthly blessings. If some few of them have the hearing ear for the spiritual message, they will hear it, but they will be the exceptional few.
We can supply these Die Stimme papers in any quantity-- free. Any of our readers who would like to have some for free circulation amongst the Jews should advise us immediately, as we are about to order a new edition.