Maybe this has been discussed before. But if a man commits murder and goes to jail for it, would it be reasonable to punish his innocent children for the same crime? And his grandchildren as well? Should they all serve jail terms for murder even though they didn't commit the crime? So too- why should all of Adam and Eve's offspring suffer for their mistake? And if you mention a dented cake pan I'll smack you! :)
by JimmyPage 4 Replies latest jw friends
It's hard to explain or reason upon a myth, isn't it?.........................
Maybe this has been discussed before. But if a man commits murder and goes to jail for it, would it be reasonable to punish his innocent children for the same crime? And his grandchildren as well? Should they all serve jail terms for murder even though they didn't commit the crime? So too- why should all of Adam and Eve's offspring suffer for their mistake? And if you mention a dented cake pan I'll smack you! :) It never made sense to me. But evolution has never made sense to me either. So I know two possible explanations of our existence that dont hold water. But you can explain both theories away into nonsence The story of Adam and Eve and sin could be a metaphor to explain mans present condition and the need for a journey back home. And evolution could be true also if life just appeared and then started adapting.
The Berean
I'm afraid the problem here goes even further if you accept the WTBTS's explanation on how the Devil came to earth.
Think about it ... God supposedly had rebellion within his initial invisible heavenly family which had nothing to do with earthly children. So, what did this heavenly Father do but to send the evil serpent to the Garden of Eden to bring about pain, sickness, and the eventual death of Adam and Eve and all their offspring thru deception! Furthermore, God must have known that the original couple, made from dirt, would fall into sin since invisible angels of far greater mental intelligence as well as mightiness had already fallen from grace in the spirit realm.
What's interesting, as the plot plays out, is that God allegedly said to mankind: "It's your job by your actions to straighten Satan and his hordes out and prove them liars"! If you fail you will suffer eternal death."
Then in 1914, according to JWs, it got worse! Satan was restricted to the earth to raise havoc during this supposed "time of the end." Double jepoardy ensued with the threat of being found "bloodguilty" for any failing to knock on endless doors with a warning of "tribulation and Armageddon." Such noncompliance would also carry a sentence of death
In summary, God reportedly did what loving parents would never do and that is to blame marital discourse near his "throne" on innocent children resising on the "footstool" and to use them to refute the actions of the estranged mates.
Doesn't this seem like a lot of abuse when God could have handled the matter of infidelity without earthly creatures even being aware of the heavenly divorce?
Perhaps the answer lies in the need to use guilt and fear for a religious organization to control the masses. There must be a better interpretation of human participation in a battle for "universal soverignty."
a dented cake pan
ooooh smack me