Information on the J Sources?

by Mebaqqer2 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mebaqqer2

    Greetings all,

    I was wondering about two things. Does any one have more detailed information on the J-sources used by the New World Translation? i.e. names of books, publisher, etc.? The information on some of the J-sources, particularly those in Hebrew, are kind of vague. The 1950's New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures at times sheds some light on these sources, but others I have still not been able to get exact information on.

    Also, does anyone have some of these J-sources in PDF or scans in those places referenced by the New World Translation? I have found some on the internet and some I have purchased. However, many of these sources have proven to be very old and elusive. Those who wish to may message me offline as well.


  • cabasilas

    I don't have answers specifically to your questions, but perhaps this may be of some help. There are a few scanned images from the J sources of some problem passages at this site:

    Doug Mason (who posts here occasionally) has written on the J sources here:

  • r.a.m.

    Check out - Chapter 2: "J" References from Hebrew Versions

  • witnessgirl

    I definitely recall having read that the New Testament J sources were medieval translations of the scriptures into Hebrew. I can try to hunt down the source if you're interested. I don't recall there having been specific identifications of the manuscripts, however.

  • Mebaqqer2

    Thanks to all who responded to my inquiry. My aim in asking about the J-sources was really to get more information on the sources themselves. I understand that all the J-sources are relatively modern and translations from GREEK into other languages, mainly Hebrew (except the debatable example of J2, Shem-tov's Hebrew Matthew). I guess what I was looking for can be more clearly seen in the following example:

    In the "Textual Symbols" section of The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures it says this concerning J9:

    "Gospels, Heb. and Lat., by Giovanni Battista Jona, Rome, 1668"

    This is a little vague. The section "Explanation of Symbols" in The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures gives a little more detail:

    "Gospels in Hebrew. In 1639 John Baptist Jonah, a Jew who joined the Roman Catholic Church, completed his translation of the four Gospels into Hebrew from the Latin Vulgate. Jonah was a professor of Hebrew in the Roman Academy, Rome. His Hebrew translation was finally published in Rome in 1668 by the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda (S.C. Prop. Fidei). It contained a page of dedication to Pope Clement IX."

    Neither of these, however, gives the exact title of the book. Fortunately, however, with the available information we can figure out the work referred to is:

    Iona, Ioanne Baptista. Arba?a abne hag-giljonim me-hat-Tora ha-?adaša ašär nä?taqu mil-lešon romi lel-lešon ?ibri, Qvatvor Evangelia Novi Testamenti Ex Latino in Hebraicum fermonem verfa. Rome: S. C. Prop. Fidei, 1668.

    Some of the books referred to, however, have not been as easy to figure out. For example, I have been unable to find out any further information on either the old and new J19 (this source was changed in 1984 to a different book). Thus, I was hoping someone out there had exact information on J-sources of these kind.

    Secondly, I was wondering if anyone had any of the J-sources available. I myself have on hand J1, J2, J4, J17, J21, J24, and J25. I was wondering if anyone else had some of these sources on hand or available in PDF / scanned form.


  • witnessgirl

    If you haven't seen it, here's an entire book on the subject of the NWT J Sources for the Greek Scriptures:

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