I explain to some that JW'sare like Mormons, Amish (but don't have a compound), FLDS (they have one too), Hasidic Jews, and I belive even Islamic shun if they do not kill or maim you instead. Islam is a serious big cult imo........But what is the pecking order? And how do these other guys shun compared to JW's?.......add more shunners if you gottem............oompa
who are the worst of the shunners???
by oompa 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In my observation of the Amish... at least they are consistent. Lived around a few in N Indiana and parts of MI.
So better is a relative thing.. if you know the rules and you screw up I'd prefer to see the same treatment across the board than the fickle way the dubbies do it.
..The Worst?..First it would be the people who work in Liquor stores..If their busy,you going to wait for service........Next would be the Post Office..Same Story.........Absolute worst..Bartenders at the pub..The next round of Keno is coming up..You`ve got some hot numbers..And..Their mixing Drinks!!..WTF!!....Hey buddy,register my numbers!..I`m about to win $100,000.00!!!...................................
White Dove
The JW's are the most unfair shunners. They must apply a label to you then they can shun you. If someone does the same sin as you but is not labeled, they don't get shunned. It's not fair. -
hahah...outlaw...you are JUST a bit off track dammit..............could still use a few more opinions this one you judgemental [email protected]
Oompa..You said we could add shunners to your list..Those are mine..LOL!!........How about when you go to work-out at the gym..And..The buggers won`t let you in!..Because..It`s a "Lady`s Only Gym"..WTF!..???.....Or.....You go to the police station to pay a ticket..You come out of the police station and there`s another frigg`n ticket on your windshield!!..Why?..Because..The parking space you parked in,has a sign that says "Police Parking Only"...........I could go on..................
haha...outlaw...please go find a Mount-HE.....lol.........oompa
Oompa..I live in the desert..When it gets hot,it`s frigg`n hot!..The RCMP wear shorts when it`s that hot......AnyWay......I`m going into town and I notice a cop has pulled someone to the side of the road..He`s in shorts,but not just any shorts..He`s wearing his Mountain Bike shorts(They do bike patrols around town)..They are those form fitting ones,Skin tight..Like leotards.......It looks ok if your on a bike,but not coming out of a police car..He looked like one of the "Village People" who just finished a show at a gay bar..LOL!!.......Tights,badge and a Gun..What a picture to behold..LOL!!...............................
oh u so turn me on outlaw...omg.......not village people!!............oompa
I am a sailor!!!!! and could put on the uni....if you pay me!
I know I am going to get in trouble for this.......it has been my experience that the female witnesses shunners are the worst. I have seen them be very animated in their body language. The men just act like they are intimidated. I know ooompa this isn't the kind of answer you were looking for but, I just had to run off at the head with this.