Daniel 11:38,39 referencing Oil Age?

by DJPoetech 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DJPoetech

    Hello all, I was doing a little research and always had interest in the "god fathers did not know" "foreign god" from Daniel 11:38. I fell into reading up on our current "oil age" and was surprised to find out that it is on its way out. Unfortunately all the things developed from this age such as plastics, cosmetics, medicines, Raid (for those buggys), and a miriad of other things is kinda of bundled up in it too. As a matter of fact our population boom since the industrial age is directly tied to the discovery of the oil deposits in the earth. Life just got easier and families just got a little simpler to make. If ya know what I mean. Anyway do you think this bit of scripture could apply to the overwhelming dependance oil has become in this world and its power to make world leaders and our economy go a stone cold crazy. I welcome your thoughts please. DJ Poetech www.jehovahswitnessbooks.com

  • stillajwexelder

    No - you can make scripture fit what ever agenda you want

  • DJPoetech

    Thanks for the response Still. I admit that many do twist the scriptures for their own agendas. The very reason they twist the scriptures and not, lets say for argument, a passage from Dr Seuss towards a particular agenda is the weight the scriptures hold. My question wasn't to receive how valid the question was but to get a response from those who think outside the Watchtower's interpretations towards maybe a more plausible interpretation. All in the spirit of knowing that we won't see things perfectly clear until Jesus returns but we can humbly speculate without burdening anyone or scaring a particular interpretation off with ignorance. DJ Poetech

  • yknot

    Ditto Stilla...

    To be honest with you there are several untapped fields in the US an around the coastlines. Just last year Brazil located a large reserve off it's coastline.

    Of course now the news is finally addressing the speculators and their effects on prices.

    Canada has enough to supply itself for 100 or more years.

    Synthetics are being developed, alternatives such as Jatropha is being cultivated in California now to produce a strain sustainable here in America...........

    Biodegradable plastics from plants has been in the works for decades.

    There are many different avenues that can be explored when it comes to oil conservation. I have two vehicles that are CNG from methane (google Jean Pain) one truck runs on biodiesel. I also 'make' my own electricity and sell extra to the local CO-OP.

  • jwfacts

    It is an interesting observation that we are dependant on oil. However, there is no connection with Daniel. Bible prophecy is specific to the authors knowledge, which does not include modern descriptions or information not relevant outside the middle east. For instance, the signs of Jesus of war, famine, earthquake and pestilence are relevant to the Jews. But what about Bushfire, Hurricanes and Tsunamis that cause even more death in the modern age? Also the Bible makes no mention of things that are critical to modern life; cars, computers, aeroplanes, space travel, nuclear war. The Bible is not prophetic.

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