four family killed and they use it for info-mercial for Jehovah

by booby 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • booby
  • Gayle

    That they feel comfort is well and good. However, JWs belief system teaches that their loved ones are coming back "SOON" in the resurrection because the end is coming so soon. As their delayed 'soon' goes on and on, decade after decade, JWs often have a delayed mourning process of dealing with reality. I was told the same thing about my mom dying of cancer, almost 40 years ago.

  • BizzyBee

    These people are in shock and will be for a long time. In these circumstances, one can go through the motions of life, buffered by the shock and numbness that tells them that somehow this is not real. It allows them to 'mouth' the words about Jehovah and faith without much emotion. Those around the bereaved, feeling helpless in the face of such profound tragedy, want to believe that the bereaved are "doing fine" and "healing." Only time will tell - certainly not 2 weeks, maybe not even two years. Shock can last years. Thank God.

    A friend lost her pilot son in a plane crash 2 1/2 years ago. At first, her Christian faith was her mainstay and her outlook positive. But, as the shock slowly wore off, she became disillusioned with her faith and disappointed in the responses from her church - she stopped going about 4 months into it. Since then, she has gone through phases of free-floating anger and bitterness. Her world is forever altered - and not in a good way.

    I'm not saying that this will happen to the JW family, just that the shock ebbs and flows and "healing" cannot be judged this early.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    first I would like to express my sadness for the loss of these souls. It is always sad when people die tragically. I hope and pray for the family to have some comfort and peace during this, the hardest of times.

    I have to take issue with the shameless and disgusting way that that fellow commercialized the deaths of his family. I bet he is an elder. Corporate stooge.

  • zeroday

    I guarantee the memorial service was nothing but another infomercial for the great loving god jehober...Sick SOB's...

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I remember experiences where a dub would ask someone they had assissted in some way to listen to the next jw that came to their door. This has been promoted at conventions for a long time. This poor guy is a poster child for the dubs.

    I agree that after an unexpected loss of life people are in a state of shock. It is dealing with the permanence of the situation over time that brings out the reality of things. It has a wearing down effect that forces a person to go through the grieving process.

  • momzcrazy

    Too bad Jehovah didn't put "a hand of protection" around the ones that died.


  • Balsam

    I guess what it reminds me of is how the JW's are encouraged to brush past the grief and realize that they'll see their loved ones again when the end comes. People who lose loved ones are reminded the new system is coming, no need to be so upset. They are living a an altered world that does not fit the reality of burying loved ones. I experienced the out pouring of care from some witnesses when my 15 year old son died, but I found that many just didn't want to think about it and that was all I could think about it. Dispite the brochure on losing a loved one the JW's still just did not get it. They kept saying that we don't grieve as the rest of the world does. That was pure baloney. I left the religion 4 months after my son died also. I was suicidal and knew if I stayed and listened any longer to them I would end my life. That man is trying to make sense of why bad things happen to good people, and he thinks he has the answer to it all.

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