Anybody going? Wanna go? No shananagans, just malicious associating wit dubs while thinking apostate thoughts. Its been 10 years, so I consider it an anniversary of sorts. I also want to see what kinda apostapeople show up. Can someone teach me the secret handshake? I might be on one of their (WTBS) "lists", due to some recent ill-advised truth telling to an excessively dubish person, wanna see how the Thought Police operate. "Don't taze me dude". Wee! :oP Lets bring the Light, Bring_the_Light
Rochester, Minnesota District Convention
by Bring_the_Light 7 Replies latest jw friends
It's been 8 years since I've been to Rochester for the "Grand Boasting Sessions".
I can't make it there this time. In case people are interested you have 5 conventions to choose from -- I think they're the weekends starting 7/11, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8 and 8/15.
Usually towards the end of the Sunday sessions, the picketers gather. You might have an interesting conversation if you meet them there.
Ha! I will cinch up my tie, hold my bible out in front of me and charge right into the picketers!!! Thanks for the info. Bring_the_Light
knock knock
"Don't Taze me bro." That would be Charles Taze correct?
Actially no, but it works, so ok :oP. I was just alluding to the protester that crashed some political event (forget which) and got youtube famous for saying "don't taze me bro!" right before being tasered. hehe. Do JW enforcerd use tasers just for having apostate thinking? there's a certain fear factor with these things. I describe it as "I've never seen sheep get violent, but it could happen".
I have been thinking of going just to videotape the drama for youtube.
Spook the herd a little, see what comes.
Gotta find out which sessions are for my family's area (brooklyn park), and also for the area I tended to operate in (east side St Paul) then decide whether to avoid or target those demographics.
Might be a hoot!
RD -
between rollerdave and bringthelight, that ought to be one really funny story. I hope you all go, stir the pot a bit, and then tell the story. Just don't get arrested in the process!
They'll never take me alive!
Mainly because there is some debate as to whether what I do actually constitutes 'living' but nonetheless.
IDK tho, I have to get such a trip past the 'War Dept' so it might be a job.
I'll see what I can do tho.