A while back I found a great post on the blood issue. Someone took a lot of time to reason out why they felt in their concience that blood was ok. Part of the reasoning was due to the examples that Jesus provided, for example, no one other than the priests were to partake of the sacrafices at the temple, and yet he ate of them and fed them to his disciples because they were hungry. Also, he pointed out healing on a sabbath and a man pulling out his bull from a pit on the sabbath and Christ commenting that who would not pull him out immediately? The poster reasoned that how could Jesus not likewise know that we as weak humans would do anything to save our children and would not expect us to remain so hardhearted to them if he in fact would be so flexible in so many situations. Anyone know where this post it? I couldn't find it, too many to search through!!!!
trying to remember an old post, can you help?
by burningbridges 1 Replies latest jw friends
Try the 'member search' facility and look for JanH. I believe the information you are looking for is from one of his threads. He certainly researched and wrote one of the most compelling articles I have read about the subject from anyone. Another option is to 'google' 'Jan Haugland Blood' and find the article online.