Is the whole world lying in the power of THE?

by D wiltshire 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    What does this scripture mean?
    Is the whole world lying in the power of the wicked ONE?
    Come and tell everyone how you feel about this scripture?
    How does the Son watch over those born again?
    *** Rbi8 1 John 5:18-21 ***
    18 We know that every [person] that has been born from God does not practice sin, but the One born from God watches him, and the wicked one does not fasten his hold on him. 19 We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one. 20 But we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us intellectual capacity that we may gain the knowledge of the true one. And we are in union with the true one, by means of his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and life everlasting. 21 Little children, guard yourselves from idols.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • zerubberballz

    Mr Wiltshire,

    I believe if you look into the origins of being 'Born Again' you'll discover it of much older origin than Christians generally think. Ancient Cultures from India and Egypt to China and beyond have practiced various forms of it since the dawn of time. Belief in being 'twin born' and it's surrounding ceremonies may well explain mysteries from the empty tomb in the great pyramid of Giza to Lazarus 'resurection'.

    As for the 'wicked one' he's at best an invention of misguided men and at worst an invention of wise folk misinterperated by men lusting power for themselves via organized religion.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Do you beleive in God?

    I find I can't, not beleive in Him.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • avengers

    We know that every [person] that has been born from God does not practice sin, but the One born from God watches him.

    Does this mean that the WT was not born from God? Is God watching over the Watchtower?


  • Bang

    The wicked one - Satan - desires of the flesh, such as the lust for things - and even includes desires such as Peter had that Christ wouldn't be killed. The 'world' is under this control. Jesus looks out for, and goes to find, His sheep. The wicked power won't win out over them.

    " I will destroy the name of Babylon, and the remains, and the bud, and the offspring." [Is 14.22]

    The 'name of Babylon' is the name of ownership - mine, yours. Christ destroys this and not only the name, but the remains of ownership. And not only this, but the bud (the temptation to have things) and the offspring (the desire to possess). Happy are those who can truly say: "Behold, we have left all things."

    Isn;t it strange how the WT society gives proper place of personage to the devil and demons but not the Holy Spirit.


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