A controversial prediction coming soon...

by Mindchild 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    I intend to make a post soon that will show a very unpopular viewpoint. Mostly because it will contain news you won't want to hear.

    I'm predicting that regardless of the recent down turns in JW growth, this will change in the next few years and their world wide growth will increase. I'm working on presenting the evidence now in a way it can easily be understood.

    Stay tuned.


  • Ranchette

    Well your predictions or phrophecies probably have a a better chance of coming true than Watchtowers!

    Also for those of us who have been around JW history for 30 or more years have seen this happen before.
    Yes,sadly, it's unpopular but possible.


  • VeniceIT

    Should I start popping the popcorn now???

    Does it have anything to do with the gravitational pull???? hmmm


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Seeker

    I think you're right. I've been predicting the upturn since 1997, which was just as the downswing was beginning and only now taking shape.

    These swings are easily predicted. Everything has played out the last four years exactly as I predicted, and it's just based on past cycles coupled with speculation on how JWs would react to the end of the twentieth century. Things like 9/11 are just hiccups to these cycles.

  • expatbrit

    OK I'm gonna differ with you chaps based on:

    a) the movement of trends being down at present, rather than "special events" i.e. 1975 causing the downturn.

    b) the importance of the internet in spreading information.

    c) I think the WT has filled the market niche for it's religious product in the developed world, and will soon do so in the developing world.

    Looking forward to seeing your predictions, Mindchild!


  • avengers

    Religion is needed for the development of the human race. But when mankind has developed themselves to a certain level they can see what religion has done in the past, and what their purpose is now. Religion is needed for those who cannot think for themselves. When mankind keeps on developing, and educating themselves, then after a certain time more and more people will see religion for what it really is. The answer is education, freedom and democracy. We should all together keep working on these goals, and I am certain that deceiving Organizations will NOT win.

  • ISP

    I am a non-believer...Skipper!

    This better be good! I don't see any grounds for increase. The fallout from the UN has not yet been reflected in the figures yet.


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