Saturday's Conference Call

by worf 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • worf

    Did anyone hear this past Saturday's conference call with Rick?

    One of his guests brought out how back in 1989 the wt was considering whether or not they should disfellowship those in the congregations who were overweight! Their rationale for this was that since smoking was already a disfellowshipping offense and since smoking is bad for your health, being overweight is also bad for your health, therefore should it be made into a disfellowshipping offense. So they had the elders in all congregations decide on whether they thought this should be made into a rule.Apparently this attempt to make this into a general rule did not go through. This piece of information was very interesting to me because since I was not an elder at that time, I never knew about this. Many of us had a good laugh when we heard this on the conference call.

    When you think about it, you've got to say to yourself: Who are these people!? I mean, who are they to determine that someone should be cut off from their family and friends because a bunch of old men from Brooklyn, some of them overweight themselves, and groups of uneducated elders, many of them also overweight, decide that a certain person weighs too much and must be disciplined for it? And also, what was the weight limit going to be established at?

    This attempt by them to make being overweight a disfellowshipping offense is another thing that shows just how silly, stupid and dangerously controlling this wt cult organization and it so-called leaders are.


  • oompa

    I almost kinda believe this happened and will ask my dad who was an elder then. However, the thought that popped into my mind is why would not the BG...send out the questionaire or whatever to the rest of the Faithful and Discreet Slave??? THEY are the ones god is using to know what must be dispensed!?!?! Right?........oompa

    live long and prosper worf

  • ramon

    I'm thinking it was a testing project the Governing Body assigned just to that one Circuit Overseer.

    Since in ancient times obesity was a crime under Mosaic Law the GB must now enact it too, or otherwise Jehovah will never be pleased with how cleaned up the organization is so not bring on Armageddon which ushers in paradise earth. He must also spiritually kill all oral-sexers. Also those whose houses aren't spotlessly clean. Also........

    Wow! Who'll be left?

    Oh, yeah. It was against Mosaic Law to eat fat, too. It incurred the death penalty same as eating blood did when Mosaic Law existed. So in Jehovah's cleaned up, ready for Great Tribulation and Armageddon kingdom done come on earth organization, well, if you eat those fatty McDonald's burgers you aren't clean enough and get the boot too, or should.

    Phil Brumley, put that hamburger back down! Sam Herd, you too. Yep, even Theodore Jaracz. No more Big Macs. Lose those pounds. Get off your fat behinds!

  • jamiebowers

    Hey, Worf. It was nice to hear your voice on the conference call, and your experience was very interesting. And, yes, I thought it rather strange when Dick related the voting on whether to df fat people. How I wish they would've passed that measure, because my mom would've never studied with the jws had they done so. This past spring, I think it was, someone posted about a talk given at the assembly about bringing glory to God even in what you eat and drink and dissing fat people. Now that kind of stuff scares me, because my mom is so firmly entrenched that she'll probably starve herself to death to please the FDS.

  • worf

    Thanks Jamie.

    I just hope that if current jws were listening in, that my experience with the GB, the Circuit Overseers, the District Overseer, and those elders, that it helps people to see that all these so-called leaders in the wt are nothing but a bunch of men who will even go against their own rules, and writings as well as go against the bible itself in order to keep someone from standing up for justice and for what is right. And zI hope that such experiences helps them to see that there is no god, and no jehovah supporting the wt.

    That is also why I said on the conference call that people should read the story of Richard Rawe and his wife and what happened to them. If anyone thought my story was strange or unbelievable, they need to read about Richard Rawe. That story of the evil injustice that the wt puts onto people who stand up for what is right blows your mind.


  • Blueblades

    Hey Worf! Here is one for you. Coffee is BIG at Bethel! Caffeine is a drug. If they ever did away with COFFEE, and went to Caffeine free. Bethel would be empty.


  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    How long does it take for Kool-Aid man to get the recordings up? As of now, June 7th is the latest one.

  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    The conference call will be ready to listen to by thursday june 26 .This call got a lot of callers and I thank all that called in.

  • WTWizard

    I hope they do disfellowship everyone that is "too fat". And by "too fat", I mean dredging up the old 1950s Army charts and picking the midpoint of the range. Anyone (and I mean ANYONE) who is above that point is disfellowshipped (including the lead hounder. Including the hounder-hounder. Including the members of the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger.)

    What that will do is prevent most people from ever getting baptized in the first place. Most will get down to within 5 pounds of the target only to not quite get there, and not be able to get baptized at all. It will also purge the congregations of just those who would support it to the limit, most of whom are quite fat. Something like 90% of all Americans are above this limit (which is why they raised it in 1983, and now they use the watered down BMI charts). With that many people gone, the few that are left are going to have a much easier time leaving (they are the weak ones that do sports or go to the gym instead of the boasting sessions or field circus).

    In turn, that will help speed up the demise of the Washtowel Slaveholdery. And then it won't matter if they are disfellowshipped.

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