On one of those Pentecostal cults ,the poor buggers that got out and spoke of their experiences reminded me of the WTS SO MUCH!
Any Aussies catch the ABC 4 corners tonight
by xslave 5 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, there is another thread about it here; http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/160864/1.ashx
How much could you sympathyse with them, poor buggers.
yep, Mrs Ozzie and i both thought of the parallels to the WTS, especially the shunning and breaking up of families.
Notice how God spoke through th elders? Now where have we heard that before?
BTW don't assume that Pentecostal and cult are necessarily words that go togther.
Ah I did'nt see that thread Aphrodite ,and by the way you are really quite a good looker (wink) as I've got no smilies
Right on the money ozzie ,cult as in the way they presented the show
Yep, thats really me, I look exactly like that and hang out a lot in ponds with only a sarong.