Any Linux users in the forum?Please share your experience

by justhuman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • justhuman

    I just kind of fed up with Windows OS. Specially all this virus that recently I have been receiving. So I have decided to drop Windows XP OS and Bill Gates Microsoft and go for a Linux Mandriva OS. It seems that Mr Gates indeed got billions of dollars by Microsoft and I'm not willing to contribute any more money to him.

    So anyone in this forum that uses Linux share your expierience and thoughts...

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I installed ubuntu linux on a number of extra computers I had at work. It took a little bit of patience, but it installed rather easily and ran well. Depending upon what your needs are it is possibly a good option. It is good for word processing and web surfing, although installing browser plug-ins is a bit difficult. I don't know if I would want to run it for very demanding software such as photo and video editing, games, ect.

  • gaiagirl

    I have used Caldera, SuSE and Mepis Linux, as well as PC-BSD with some success, Mepis for the longest. However, I found Mepis INCREDIBLY difficult to configure for a new soundcard I installed, I went online and asked for help on forums, etc. Experts offered suggestions and nothing worked on a supposedly supported soundcard.

    I eventually decided that whatever benefits existed were not worth the hassle, so downloaded BeOS PEMax from, it was and is so much better is isn't even funny. I've been using it now for more than five years. There is no known virus yet written for BeOS, perhaps because it is rather obscure. You can use Firefox as your browser, and BeMail or Thunderbird for your email client. BeOS works similar to Windows or most Linux distros, but shares no basic DOS or Unix legacy, instead was created from a clean sheet of paper in the 1990's. There is a newer version called Zeta which works well on newer computers.

    Work is quite far along on a new version called Haiku, the pre-Alpha versions can be downloaded from I've not yet tried any of these, but they are intended to be binary compatible with the older versions of BeOS.

    So, if you have an older computer, try BeOS. If you have something newer, try Zeta or if you are adventurous, try Haiku.

  • IP_SEC

    I've used Slackware to Ubuntu and everything in between. Never had any problems. (granted most not desktop environ but CLS servers only) Last Ubuntu I used EVERY DRIVER except the wifi on my notebook worked.

    Im no ms or bill gates hater. Just like to try stuff.

  • justhuman

    Thanks for your help. I have been a lot of search in the internet lately there is a new version of Linux Mandriva Spring 2008. I looked at the reviews and comparison of various Linux versions, and Mandriva 2008 is the most friendly for new Linux users,plus is easy to install also includes most of the common drivers. So if any one did download Mandriva it will be good to share the experience.

    Also I have another question for those who are using Linux. Regarding the Windows based programms can they run on Linux? For istance I use Corel Draw and a 3d Architecture design program, will those programs run on Linux?

    Thanks for your help guys

  • IP_SEC
    Regarding the Windows based programms can they run on Linux?



    You can search the wine database. Looks like CD works ok.

  • vivalavida


    I do use Mandriva 2008 Spring since it came out and I have been using it for a while now, about 4 or 5 years. In my opinion, just like you said, it is one of the most friendly distros out there and it is getting better with every release (I am talking about the last 3 or 4 releases).

    My experience? I do have a desktop that came with Windows XP and I installed Mandriva (Mandrake at that time) and, since them I have been using it nonstop. I must say that, sometimes I was frustrated, however I was certainly decided to leave the MS world behind, so I kept on going. After that, about two months ago, I ordered a notebook with Linux preinstalled (a Dell XPS M1330 from preloaded with ubuntu) I deleted the Ubuntu copy and installed Mandriva. Up to now 99% of things work with no problems. The other 1% does not bother me, so I don't worry about it.

    It was kind of weird to get a computer without Windows, however I do not miss it anymore.

    One very important point: You will have to learn a lot about how things function in the linux world. There is a very interesting and comprehensive site about mandriva, it's called Mandriva Tips for Free and it helped me a lot with configuration questions, etc. Most of the information is for Mandriva 2008.0 and not 2008.1 but the differences are not that big actually.

    For windows programs you have several choices:

    • Dual Boot - A lot of friend of mine use Windows for desktop work and Linux for internet related work. (From the Linux side you can read and write natively from and to the windows partitions - FAT and NTFS)
    • Wine - A program that emulates the windows API and allows a lot of programs to work withing Linux. Read more here (The watchtower library runs under wine by the way)
    • Use virtualization. Utilize a program like Virtualbox to create a virtual computer that runs within Linux but that offers a native environment for Windows, for example, to run in.

    I guess then, that the first step is to read a little in order to be able to make an informed decision. Also determine exactly what your needs are and how they could be covered with Linux or with a Linux/Wine/Virtualbox combination.

    Hope this helps


  • justhuman

    IP_SEC and Vivalavida thank you for the infromation it really helped em a lot. One other thing I have read is that Linux is not so vurnerable to viruses like windows. They have much fewer than Windows plus they are not damaging like the the ones appeared on windows. Also I have read vivalavida that the German Police is going with Linux.

    As I realize it has to do with the way Linux system works, since a lot of companies are going to Linux. In fact I'm really agry with the viruses I got from Windows. I got NOD32 anitvirus, plus McFee, plus Spyware, and they really break my back. The recent one really turned my PC upside down. Most of the programs don't faction any more correct. By the way vivalavida my lap top is XPS Inspiron by DELL, so I won't have any problem installing Mandriva...

    Thank you again and good luck for Deutchland to Euro 2008 Final


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