Jesus - ages 13-30

by feenx 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • feenx

    Happy monday everyone :)

    A friend and I got into an interesting conversation late Friday as we were eating a late dinner, which needless to say caused some amusing eavesdropping by neighboring tables. ;)

    We got on the subject of Jesus and the new testament gospels. I told her that what I never understood is that they specify at the close of the gospels that there is/was/could be enough writings of Jesus to circle the globe, but that the important parts are what had been relayed. So clearly they even admit there's more than they are presenting. Why those are the years from 13-30 missing, because in my mind that time period would some valuable information.

    Her answer was that there is a lot speculation about those years, but that she thinks that is the time when Jesus was being "human." Living the human experience and taking human actions. She said there's been speculation that he killed a man, and of course thanks to The Da Vinci code the speculation of his marriage to Mary Magdelene.

    I personally find the idea of Jesus doing things no one wants to talk about fascinating. As well as the idea of his marriage, which I never understood why it was such a taboo thought. AND in any translation I've read from of the new testatment in multiple instances he is referred to or called Rabbi, which in that time period one was REQUIRED to be married in order to be recognized as a Rabbi...hmmm...leaves room for some interesting theories.

    Does anyone have any references or thoughts?

    feenx Indigo Insight

  • funkyderek

    He probably spent his teens sulking, listening to music and masturbating frequently. In his twenties he drank too much and drifted aimlessly between various women and jobs. When he hit thirty, he realised he'd better get his act together and do something with his life.

    Or maybe that's just me....

  • cruzanheart

    You need to read "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal." It clears up a lot of the mysteries surrounding those hitherto undocumented years. Here's the link:



  • VoidEater

    Nina beat me to it...see "Lamb".

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