Yesterday was my first small attempt at "apostasy". I thought I did a very good job of it myself. I had some interesting results.
I tried on two people: My wife (the biggest, baddest JW you could ever come up against) and my mother (who used to be but has cooled in the past ten or twelve years or so).
I recently learned through a youtube video that one of the ancient Egyptian symbols for Ra, the sundisk, was on some early copies of Watchtower literature. This was good for me to learn because it wasn't directly tied to any "apostate teachings". If I brought some other WBTS information out that I could only have learned by talking to another "apostate" I might have my cover blown. This was an innocent "discovery."
My wife already knows I am heavily into ancient anthropology and I specifially love the societies in ancient Egypt, Babylon, etc.
First I brought to my hardcore wife's attention that the sundisk was used on the cover of early Watchtower literature. I explained to her that this was the symbol of the Egyptian god Ra. As predicted, at first she glossed over. Then she responded in a way that would make the WBTS proud. The early Christians had gotten alot of things wrong back then but since then the light has gotten brighter.
Later that evening I went to my mother's house. She actually owns physical copies of some of these hundred year old publications and she has some of them on display. I told her the same thing. She responded: "I know." Then she told me something that shocked me. "Did you also know that Russell's grave was decorated with an Egyptian pyramid?" She went on about some other things she learned "on the internets". I was somewhat shocked but I didn't let it show. Could it be that she is really showing signs of thinking for herself?