Hi all!
I need some help with what to share with my new neighbor. My hubby and I were talking to her yesterday when they realised they went to the same school and knew some of the same people. She mentioned one guy my husband knew and said she went to the same chuch as he did and then she said "he was a JW"..so I asked her if she was, and she said she was raised as one. I told her I was too, and we went on to talk about our "status" now. She is married to a military guy and going to college...she was never baptised and has a sister who is DF'd, yet, she still feels guilty about holidays and is still in the JW mind-set....yet, she and her husband wishes she could get over the guilt.
Where are some good places to start with simple things I could print out for her so that she doesn't get scared to even talk to me? A couple things we discussed were how the KH's do not have collection boxes (which she felt was the right thing) and I mentioned Beth Sarim (I know.....very random of me..lol)
So, wonderfull smart apostates...HELP ME!!!