1908 Sign of Jesus Presence?????

by lostsheep82 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • lostsheep82

    I came across this video on youtube. I've never heard of this, and IF it is suposedly Jesus sign, don't you think Russel, and such would have noted it?


    Thoughts anyone? I'm no scholor and the 1914 date confuses the heck out of me.

  • lostsheep82

    There is a part two as well.....

  • MeneMene

    This guy used a lot of words but as far as I could tell he never did explain how he thought he could prove 1914 was the correct date.

    Do you have the link to the second video?

  • lostsheep82

    This is the second part.


    I agree with you tho he doesn't at all prove ANYTHING regarding 1914. However if you google Tunguska 1908 you will find alot of interesting takes. Some eyewitnesses say they saw a body decend from heaven. I don't beleive that! But it's interesting anyways. IF that was Jesus, I think he would have made his presence known worldwide don't you think, for Everyone to see??

    This is the Wikipedia site describing some of it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunguska_event

  • yknot

    Well to each his own.....

    Tunguska .....I have always heard that attributed to Nikola Tesla.

    Here is AlanF 's explaination of 1914 http://corior.blogspot.com/2006/02/history-of-change-of-606-to-607-bc-in.html

    Lostsheep82 I cannot encourage you enough to go back and read the things he and other older posters had to say about what they saw, found and experienced during their decades in the organization. I have enjoyed reading their postings as much as I did hearing from older Bro/Sis tell us about life when vaccines were banned or living through 1914, 1915, 1918, & 1925. Such rich history!

    The existing Bible Students also have a wealth of information regarding Russell.

    Besides should a Christian be living a devoted life for a reward or out of fear, or should it be out of our love?

    Amen to Act 1:11!

  • freethinker2009

    I saw this video too he is talking about when Satan was thrown from Heaven he shows thats when satan was thrown it was with thunder and lightning. He also said this had to be something that was not just a normal Thunder Storm. I have researched this event and it seems to be quite significant and unique. But you can never be sure about anything.

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