So what is this "natural affection" thing?
Humans are supposed to have it.
There is some debate about whether animals have it or we are just projecting our frame of reference onto the animal.
I think some animals have it. I think I saw an example of it today.
As I was rolling along the bike path I stopped because there were two red-winged black birds near the middle of the path. One had been severely injured and was possibly dead. The other kept trying to peck at the neck even pulling at it (the way a mother cat or do will pick up a kit or pup by the scruff of the neck) as if to pick it up to move it out of danger. Now normally these birds won't let people within 10 feet of them. I was 2 feet away and he still wouldn't leave the hurt bird. It wasn't until 3 of us stopped that the bird flew a short distance away but still didn't go too far and chirped loudly. A woman stopped after me and we looked around for something to move the bird off the path. A young fellow stopped and used the shirt he was carrying to gently pick up the bird and moved it under the brush.
We also have a pretty good population of Canada geese and they are busy multiplying. If you get too close to the goslings th adults will attack with wings opened wide and mouths ready to bite if you don't back off.
This got me thinking about last year when I found a baby seagull that had somehow gotten separated from its nest and parents. The parents were loudly squawking and circling over head while the chick peeped and ran around calling to the parents.
Then I had a cat who wouldn't always come to snuggle with me. This was a cat that hated to be touched when I first got it. When I had my appendix out he started sleeping near the scar. He ALWAYS slept up near my pillow before this so him moving near the scar was odd. If I was upset he would come and sit guardingly near me with an occasionally head butt/rub.
Now this cat (orange) and the other cat (brown tabby) that I owned played together but never slept curled up together. You wouldn't think they had any affection for each other but when the orange cat had to be put down the brown roamed through the house wailing looking for his buddy
I'm sure many of you have similar stories to tell with dogs, cats other pets
So is this some form of "natural affection" with these wild animals? It might be instinctive. But these animals have something.
So what would it take to extinguish these reactions in these animals? Some of these animals are wild. Others are tamed. But they still have these reactions.
So what about people who shun family? It certainly isn't just JWs that do this because we know other groups do.
Now my mother is a case where it doesn't matter if she was a JW. She started abandoning her kids before she became a JW. Being a JW just lets her justify shunning me.
But clearly the kind of mind control exerted over JWs prevents them from connecting with this "natural affection". That is strong that it is deviant from the normal reactions of caring and connectedness.
Got examples? Feel free to share