As you know, all are welcome here. It appears from your short life here so far that you have an axe to grind with the JW's over killing children through the blood issue. We agree with you on that count. Please tell us more about your self......
by nomoreguilt 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As you know, all are welcome here. It appears from your short life here so far that you have an axe to grind with the JW's over killing children through the blood issue. We agree with you on that count. Please tell us more about your self......
Aside from advertising specific brand names or giving away an easy clue to Brother Hounder, I will try.
I remember the Washtowel being showcased as the truth. So I joined, thinking that Jehovah would help me meet the opposite sex and bring my life some fulfillment. However, He not only didn't do that, but He kept any fulfillment out as best He could. Ultimately, I realized that Jehovah was not only not a friend, but He was a foe.
Upon which I decided that the best thing was to waste the hounders' time and energy. The more time they waste worrying about me, the less time they had available to respond to other problems like less donations to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, immorality, and declining meeting attendance. Often I would turn in two field circus slips in contiguous months at once, making them waste time hunting for a slip (that isn't there) the next month. And I would randomly go to two different congregations, and start missing both of them.
Ultimately, that isn't enough. So I started doing other things to slap Jehovah in the face. First, I loaded up on rap and dirty R&B from the 1990s, then current. Then, I started not going to any boasting sessions (and went to the wrong REJECT Jesus Party). I shredded all my washtowels and asleeps. I pushed all my suits to the side of my closet, putting worldly clothing in its place (and throwing out the suits in bad condition). And I bought a 8-ball.
Still not enough. So I bought a Ouija board. From there, I got invited to one of those "secret" societies (I will not advertise it here as per the rules) that the Washtowel Slaveholdery warned against. I ordered their books, and joined their web site. And sure enough, they promote independent thinking to the fullest extent. Through them, I saw the Bible in its truest sense. I saw Jesus' simple message that he wanted people to think independently (yup, that was it). I saw the simple principles of morality that a small child automatically lives by. And I saw that most rules are not necessary and are harmful, holding back the free market and science.
After that, there is no way I can ever see the Washtowel Slaveholdery as anything but immoral. Not only is it a waste of time, but immoral. Field circus is bad for self (a waste of time plus exposure to hazards and ostracism) and society (a waste of energy and paper, plus it wastes their time on a scam). Going to the boasting session (yes, the Grand Boasting Session fits this category) is also immoral because it wastes your time plus exposes one to ridiculous ideas, hounding, and hazards. It is also bad for society because it wastes gas, congests parking lots for nothing, and could sucker others into it and creates headaches for local businesses during the program.
I am sticking with my "secret" society. I have found that the weakest member of that is stronger than the strongest witless.
you cant handle the truth.........oompa
i like that line