I am new to this, i have never posted one of these sites before and have been in this org for about 21 years (brought up in it) i am almost 25 and have just started to really question the watchtower and its teachings and have uncovered some interesting things. There is one thing that puzzles me though, why do JWs need to believe so badly that Jesus was raised in spirit and not in the flesh. Does it really matter? I have looked at the passages of scripture where Mary saw him and the diciples saw him after he was resurrected and its evident why they did not recognize Jesus it was because he made them unable to recognize him and as for Mary she was not even looking at him, when he said to her "Mary!" she turned around. I digress though can anyone tell me why it so important? to me it does not matter either way!
Why is it that witnesses believe that Jesus was resurected in spirit?
by freethinker2009 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi, and welcome to the forum.
I haven't been active for a few years, so I'm a little 'rusty' (others will fill in), but as far as I can recall, there's 1. Cor 15:50, which says: "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (KJV). So I think that's a reason for them.
That said, I also think they believe Jesus had a kind of flesh / spirit body; "two for the price of one". This of course, because he was evidently also in the flesh, otherwise there'd be no point in Thomas being granted to put his finger into Jesus' wound. Not that that makes any sense anyway, 'cause if it wasn't the original body, then the wound wasn't any kind of evidence at all...
But I think that's how they view it. I may be slightly wrong.
Hi and welcome.
I was a JW for 30+ years and I accepted this teaching as fact until I began researching for myself.
The main Scripture the JW's use in support of this is 1 Peter 3:18 which states, according to the NWT, that Jesus was put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit. Some translations read "made alive by the Spirit."
As Awakened mentioned, 1 Cor 15 is also cited in support of this, which withers in light of His post-resurrection appearance where He displayed His wounds, walked and talked, ate and drank with His disciples.
I think the WT's insistence on an invisible presence of Jesus is the driving force behind this interpretation. They have no qualms about fitting the Bible into their teachings instead of the other way around.
Because they are so confused regarding this matter so they have been adopting stupid ideas regarding resurrection. Actually they are saying that Jesus ceased to exit for 3 days when He was at the grave. While the Biblical account tell us:
1. Jesus did resurrected with the same Body He asked Tomas to touch Him at the wounds and told him "Look at me it is I"
2.The account of 2 Peter chapter 2 that Peter under God's Spirit revealed to us that the Gospel was preached to the Spirits in prison in Hades, and the gospel was even preached to the dead by Jesus, a Bible verse that completely ignores
3. Jesus body was gloryfied when He resurrected, This gloryfied status all the bodies will inherit under His Kindom on Earth something that only righteous Christians will enjoy, and according to each ones actions.
If they taught that Jesus came in the flesh then 1914 would be out of the picture. You have to have an "invisible presence" to justify a non event taking place.
changeling :)
Flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom. As metione earlier Jesus was put to death in the flesh but then made a life giving spirit. IMO he manifested a physical body (much like angels mentioned in the OT) when appearing before his followers after his death. When he ascended to heaven it was as a spirit,
I thought it was because when jesus said ,"father into your hands I entrust my spirit", that jesus was awaiting a spirit resurrection at time of death and then he raises his own body from the grave .
thanks alot people really do appreciate the comments more questions to come, I will start one up soon talking about the great crowd and where they are. The Bible proves they are in heaven! I only just found that out the other day.