What got me started on this was the other thread on the worn out time of the end message of the Watchtower.
I kind of thought it deserved a thread of it's own - being a little bit off the original subject.
Two questions -
First - I think we could say that the JWs are probably within the very top two or three of the most strident "time of the end" screaming people on earth. If they are not number one, then who else could possibly hold that honor?
Second - What other religion down through history has preached the immediate coming of the end, and actually lasted more than about a hundred years after it did not come to pass? I would guess that maybe the seventh-day adventists (from whom, along with the Millerites, a lot of this end-time JW stuff originated). But, the adventists do not really seem to be very strong on actual predictions of the end anymore - having been severely burned during the 19th century themselves.
Having said the above, would anyone care to speculate on how long the WTS can keep honking this Armageddon horn before the silliness of it all causes their total intellectual collapse, or at least forces a strong move toward a more moderate exchatology?