There would be no Jehovah's Witnesses were it not for the military forces of many countries around the world. However they smugly utilize the freedoms that military strength grants them to propagate the notion that no one should be in the military and all should remain neutral. If that were to happen today, we would all be members of a certain religion's more extremist side in the not to distant future. How can the WTS so smugly sit there and denounce the military's of the world when they depend on it for their very existance..........
JW's and the Military
by Evidently 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It is common for JWs to use their neutrality as proof they are the true religion. But as you say, the reasoning is flawed because neutrality is unsustainable. It simply lets thugs dominate the world. There would be no JWs if it were not for the military to protect them from extremist despots.
If for example all people in America became JWs, the Watchtower would have to allow them to set up their own army. Otherwise they would be invaded and decimated. Even their current stance allowing a person to use violence to protect themselves allows this. The only reason JWs and also Peace Churches exist is because of their small size and irrelevance in the stream of things.
In the extremely unlikely event that any JWs might be in the military, here is a shirt for them:
My guess is that the seller did Army shirts proclaiming a bunch of different religions and didn't realize that members of some groups would never enlist.