You might be thinking WTF he should not be an elder or something like that.
Were you shocked about MS that you know of that got appointed as an Elder?
by asilentone 6 Replies latest jw experiences
Yep, stepdaddy dearest.
I was told not long ago by an elder, that if anyone has been accused of child molestation, they can't have a position of authority. Yet, stepdaddy dearest just recently stepped down (don't know why) from being an elder for many years!
*insert shock and awe emotion*
Tired of the Hypocrisy
A couple of times. Back in the mid 1980's this one brother was baptized and a month later he was appointed ms. Then when the co came back in a few months he was appointed an elder. I was not shocked because he was a bad guy, just the speed of it.
Another was the po's son. He had gone to beth-hell and been booted out for having porn in his vcr. He returned in shame and resumed his ms and pioneeer duties. He got married, cheated on his wife three times before she left his unfaithful ass. Then he ordered porn on his cable. Not a big deal to me, but when I was working at the cable co. he called and wanted credit for it. Without identifying myself as an acquaintance or a jw I told him that the ANI system had proven to me that he had or someone inside the home used his phone to order the pay per view porn. So I gave him a PIN and told him no more credit....ever. I took him at his word that an unauthorized person had taken advantage of him.
He calls in a month later and got my brother in law (another elder in the same hall) and gave a sob story about how the PIN was hacked...My bro in law was gonna issue credit as a friend until he read the comment I left on the account indicating no credit. He had almost $300 in porno pay per view and was now doubly screwed. My bro in law aasked why I had not taken it to the elders and I told him to get off the phone and meet me outside. I explained to him that it was not my place to violate the man's privacy and the company's policies.
Well, my bro in law took it to the po and the boy got slapped across the face by daddy. Then in a few weeks the co came and poof Junior was the latest Spirit appointed elder in North Sacramento.
Iwasn't ever shocked of one being appointed but I was appalled that an elder that was an elder when I attended even got to where he was. He shouldn't even have been an MS. He was a pure a$$hole and a bully.
Too many times to count, but especially when they started this trend in the 90's of appointing 21year-olds as elders!
One time about 10 years ago, this brother moved into my hall.marriage status: divorced. He would only do side cleaning jobs and aux, pioneer so that his child support payments would be minimal ( he actually told several people and myself these little facts!) And boy, was he a smooth operator, made the moves on ALL the single, divorced, and "having trouble in their marriage" attractive sisters. One time he was actually holding the hand of one sister at the book study, telling her that she should study with him to help "encourage" her. That was the straw that broke the camels back for me! He attended the book study I was assigned to at a time when I was really attempting to reach out. After seeing him hit on the sisters, I basically got tired of his BS and spoke to the elders about what he was doing, and his reasons for aux. pioneering. I was very calm, and let them know the facts, and had two other persons who saw him in action, and heard his story. Well the CO came three weeks later, and guess what? He was appointed an MS !!! And the thing that really got me starting to doubt that this was Gods "organization", One of the elders I had talked to earlier, made it very obvious to look directly at me when he was reading the "big" announcement that night. Talk about feeling humiliated. Anyway he ended up getting remarried, and his wife died of a drug overdose several years later. Then he very quickly goes out,remarries,and becomes an elder.Then during the next session he started having major parts on the CA and DA. Last year when I went to the CA to make an appearance one day, I only saw his current wife ( lets see here,,I think she was #3) and he was nowhere to be seen. In fact now that I realize it, it seems that he totally vanished. Appointed directly by Gods spirit? I don't think so.
Many times. Its seems like appointments always had to do with who you were related to. My x brother in law was appointed as an elder. Everyone knew he hated children! Same guy eloped with a young sister. A ms appointed early on in his witness life had a problem with drinking and driving. Poor guy was removed almost as fast as he was appointed. The part about being appointed and removed by the holy spirit is laughable!