I was thinking rather humorously how to keep part Mother Earths Brains the "Internet" from being clogged with useless or misleading information that might cause Moma to respond poorly,, kinda like our brains when they get chuck full of crap and we start hurting ourselve because we got a bad or faulty program running inside our mind.
So I was thinking of Simons effort to stop this type of faulty useless information cluter in the space he has dedicated for JWD. And I was thinking it might even be a good idea for a vote that goes like this:
If you post something political and it is propaganda of a very biaed kind and a couple of member posters flag you on it and if it gets over a certain a certain amount you get an award or blue ribbon on you avatar saying you are in the lead and hold that award till someone passes you out and the ribbon get passes on to them,, and the mods can use this as a gage as to when to errase a post so as not to clog up Mother Earths Brains with garbage.