
by mask 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • mask

    Hi im from New Zealand & im 12 I was wondering if there is anyone in there teens here?


  • Thechickennest

    I am long past my teens! There are teens here though. Welcome Mask!

  • asilentone

    Well, since you are a very young child, I thought you should know this website is mainly ex-jw board. There are very few teens around here.

  • four candles
    four candles

    I'm still a teen at heart!!!

  • penny2

    I don't think there's anyone here as young as 12, but welcome anyway, mask. Do you have a JW background?

  • mouthy

    WElcome !!!!I dont think there are any more 12 years old on here ...Were you ever a Jehovahs Witness?

    This is a place for those who USED to be... If you were never one .I dont think this is the place your Mum & Dad would want you to be. Their is a lot of Love on here but ,,sometimes there are some silly threads,

    I am a Christian & very old. I believe Jesus is the one we might take notice of. Your a very clever 12 year old by the sound of it.... But let us know all about yourself if you continue to post ((((HUG))))

    Mouthy/Granny/Grace Gough

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