Because I didn't go out in service today the wife tells me I don't love our family. She's only going because she has no time in this month. So off she goes into the rain. Crazy cult. *Sigh*.
Apparently I don't love my family
by JimmyPage 8 Replies latest jw friends
I do not think your wife will last long in the org. It is my gut feeling.
keyser soze
Apparently you love them enough to not drag them out in the rain pushing worthless literature on unsuspecting people.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
define love....
Forgive her ..she doesnt know what shes saying.
tells me I don't love our family. She's only going because she has no time in this month.
she's putting you on a guilt trip because she doesn't want to go herself...looking good....
Hang in there.
Tell her that your love for your family is evident in the fact that she has the necessary things to go in service (like a car, gas, nice clothing, etc) and the freedom to spend the family's money on her cause.
Eyes Open
You may wish to gently let her know that you love her enough to respect her freedom to do what she believes is right, and that you hope the same is true of her regarding you.
Tough situation I can't imagine. Must be infuriating, Jimmy. -
Your 'time' somehow assures your families place in paradise earth? or what?