Odetta is an African-American singer, guitarist, and songwriter who was a great influence on such artists as Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, and Bob Dylan. Her musical repetoire consists mainly of Anglo-American folk and traditional music, blues, and Negro spirituals. In addition to being greatly entertained, a person is also educated when listening to her music because oftimes, she will gloss or explain the origin of the song that she is singing. For example, I first learned of the Gullah people by listening to an Odetta c.d. And what a beautiful voice she has!!!! If anyone likes traditional/folk or blues music at all, then I would highly recommend buying an Odetta c.d. I'm not sure that her c.d.'s are still readily available in stores now; it seems that, with all the music that is available on line in "mp3" format, "brick and mortar" stores are carrying less and less c.d.'s nowadays. However, in my view, it is well worth it to buy one of her c.d.'s on line.
Any Odetta Fans Here?
by Rapunzel 5 Replies latest jw friends
There really no Odetta fans here? That's a pity.
just got here. Yes, I like Odetta, lovely voice, earthy singing style, you can find her on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL7yrpQB9Ow
I seem to remember her singing "sometimes I feel like a motherless child." This is from a long time ago! I miss all those old folk singers - you see them on public television now and then.
This makes me feel sad for some reason...
Guess it's just you and me, Rapunzel!
I love Odetts! An amazing performer/songwriter. Did you see her perform on Tavis Smiley recently/ Amazing. She had a terrific pianist playing with her that used classical accompaniment along with Odetta's folk/gospel sound. An absolutely incredible mixture of styles in the sam song. Her new album is superb. She is so under rsted I wish every person who listens to Eric Clapyon, the most over reated musicisn I know, would stop listening to him and just listen to Odetta for the rest of their lives. Their lives would be so much richer.
Thank you, Shawn and Hortensia, for your thoughtful replies.
Hortensia - Odetta does incredibly beautiful versions of so many songs [including "Motherless Child'] that it's impossible to list them all. Often on her various c.d.'s, she does different versions of the same song. Of course, many folk and traditional songs/ballads have many variants - just think of "Barbara Allen" or "John Barleycorn", Odetta does several versions of "Midnight Special." I particularly like her rendition of "Gallows Pole."
Shawn - Whereas I agree that Odetta may be under-rated, I still have to say that I am still really into Clapton also. I especially like his blues c.d.'s. I still think that he is a virtuoso when it comes to the blues guitar. Perhaps you and I can agree to disagree, as they say? Sometimes I am in the mood to play Clapton, sometimes I am in the moo to hear Odetta. My notion is that it is not a "zero sum'" game, as they say. A person does not have to give up one in order to have the other. But I do agree that Odetta is sorely under-rated. For me, she is a magnificant figure in American music. No question about it. Her career is awe-inspiring. She was even an actress. But it is in the domain of music that she is such a towering figure. She was the defining influence on others are more well known, such as Joan Baez and Bob Dylan. American culture has been incalcuably enriched by Odetta.