Hey everyone. I made my first turkey this year for thanksgiving!! And it was mighty yummy. I just had to share....
my first turkey....
by wonderwoman77 3 Replies latest jw friends
Hey WW,
Glad you enjoyed it! We have only been doing the holiday thing for a couple of years now, and each year it gets better. My sister and her kids came to my house this year(small gathering due to the rest of the fam still being in the borg) and we had a great time! Hubby cooked the turkey, and sis and I did the rest. For Christmas, we will go to her house. Don't you love the freedom?
Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!
Hey wonderwoman, hold thinkers hands behind her back will ya, i wanna tie her up and baste her with my herbal juices.. thanks lord
PS: how do you cook turkey without it turning stringy and dry as a dead emus armpit?
Hot Frying Screaming Thinker Basteman
LOLOL UncleBruce
You can tie me up anytime.
And cooking the turkey was appallingly easy. Hubby put it in one of those roasting bags that seals in all the juices and cooked it for 4 1/2 hours. It was finger lickin' good or whatever you prefer to .
basteman makes me scream til my eyes bulge