I was part of the North Texas quick build group for some five years and we seemed to be building a new hall about every six weeks. I was also up at the Denton (Krum) Assembly Hall for most weekends in 1990 and 91 as the Hall was being built. How many of you joined these work groups just to get out of meeting attendance and field service? I know I did because I would rather swing a hammer and tote heavy objects than to listen to Brother Williams talk about various types and ant-types.
Did you work on quick builds or other projects just to avoid meetings?
by donny 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The first District Assembly I ever attended, I was in the "Drama". I played Terry (?) the rebellious son. This was the early 70's and rebellion was in the air! We provided the entrance and exit for some drivel about Joseph and his brothers. When we weren't going through rehersals for that I was slaving away at one of the refreshment stands at Dodgers Stadium. It was great. I was exhausted at the end, but the time flew by.
District Assembly #2 I thought I should cool the volunteer activity and enjoy the Spiritual food. I honestly don't think I have ever been more bored in my entire life.
Any volunteer activity from then on had me striving to be at the front of the list. Security in the parking lot during meetings? Me, please? Paint the KH in the next community? Me, please. When quick builds came around I think most of us were there not to build something, but to avoid meetings.
-Bobby T
You know, I didn't... I did it to skip service! I HATED service but I enjoyed the meetings for the most part they were short and lots of honeys at my hall!
I worked at all the quick builds I could, because I enjoyed the work.
Also worked like a dog at all the DCs and CAs....It never entered my mind to do it to miss meetings, I guess that
was just an added bonus.
I went to one many years ago and they had this mallet head acting as a forman he asked me if I knew how to make a truse rench out of two tow by fours, I said yeah sure, he came and looked at it and said "what do you want to do kill the brothers and sisters working on this hall build" saying it front of everyone real loud. I did not take kindly to being insulted in front of everone like that so I knocked him head over heels on his ass, after that I never went to one again. The stupid ass, their food was crappy anyway.
I did several quick builds in the Bronx, NY and Atlantic City, NJ, and also helped with both constructions at the Stanley Theater. I wouldn'y say I did it to get out of meetings. But I was able to put those hours into "Field Service" time.
I am proud to report that I never lifted a finger on a quick build. And I did not volunteer at the Grand Boasting Session (I was "volunteered" by the hounders on site).
If I feel like missing a boasting session, I just go ahead and blow it off. When I have two different congregations to pick from, they have no way of knowing I didn't go to the other. So I just leave them both hanging, miss the boasting session, and I don't lift a finger for those Kingdumb Hell projects.
Nor do I donate even a penny toward them.