Good article that briefly examines many of the legal issues/ramifications:
Why has this Magazine ignored the UN story?
by MadApostate 7 Replies latest jw friends
Good article that briefly examines many of the legal issues/ramifications:
Why has this Magazine ignored the UN story?
Kickass! Go sistazz!
"Be a better wife." Grounds for justifiable homicide, I'd say.
I put this in the wrong forum.
Please move to "Scandals".
Geez people. If I can find and post 'em, looks like at least one of you viewers could post something to keep this on P1 awhile.
Goodnite-I'm outa here!
Thank you for posting the link to the article. I was aware of this story coming out in December. This information provides further proof tothe religious community that JW's have a problem that is not being addressed properly. I find it interesting there was no comment from WT regarding the lawsuit. Has the cat got their tongue?
Maybe there are following their own advice after the disastrous statements by their media people.
April 1, 1995 Watchtower pages 27-9
How Christians Cope With Public Reproach
Respond to Criticism?
Jesus said of his followers: “You are no part of the world . . . On this account the world hates you.” (John 15:19) Many press reports that heap reproach on Jehovah’s Witnesses are an expression of this hatred, and such should be ignored However, the media may at times present information that reflects a lack of knowledge about the Witnesses or that distorts and misinterprets certain facts. Some journalists might draw material from biased sources. Whether we ignore false information in the media or defend the truth by appropriate means depends on the circumstances, the instigator of the criticism, and his goal.
Sometimes the facts can be corrected by a properly written letter to the editor if the letter is published in full. But such a letter could achieve the exact opposite of what is intended. How? The original untruth might thus receive even more publicity, or opposers may be handed further opportunity to get lies or slurs into print. In most cases it is wise to leave the question of a letter to the editor up to the elders concerned. If a negative press report stirs up prejudice, the branch office of the Watch Tower Society can inform congregations in that country of the facts, thus enabling all publishers to give a satisfactory explanation to inquirers.
Do you individually need to get involved at all with such twisted allegations? Jesus’ counsel to “let them be,” ignore them, clearly applies to this group of adversaries. Loyal Christians have Biblical reasons for shunning apostates and their views. (1 Corinthians 5:11-13; Titus 3:10, 11; 1 John 2:19; 2 John 10, 11)
It would be nice if those people here "in-the-know" would post the WTS's Answer to the suit, as well as any Rulings which may have occurred. How many days has it been since the suit was filed? There's bound to have been something going on in the meantime.
I'm fairly confident that the WTS knows everything about their own answer and any rulings, so why not let the rest of us in what is going on?
Howdy MA,
Some observers, though lauding the intent to catch child molesters, believe that success for the Berry sisters could bring trouble to other religious congregations. "There will be copycat cases all over the country," says Richard Hammer, editor of Church Law and Tax Report. Hammer also says a favorable ruling would impair the confidential nature of pastoral counseling sessions. Although nearly 40 states require clergy and other professionals to report suspicions of physical or sexual abuse to local authorities, 33 states excuse church leaders from reporting abuse when they receive information in privileged conversations.It's good to know that counseling individuals ranks higher than trying to protect innocent children - or children who've already lost their innocence to molesters - from further rape & molestation. Our government and religious leaders actively working for themselves.
"It sets up a classic conflict," says Colorado Springs attorney Martin Nussbaum. "These laws create a crisis of conscience where the pastor has to decide, 'Who am I going to obey, Caesar or God?'Where in "God's Law" does it say to protect and keep silent about child molesters within the flock? Where does it say to offer the children up as a sacrifice for silence?
"The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment says there are some things a government can't touch inside a church—like the church-minister relationship," says Nussbaum."We can't have our courts telling us how to counsel other individuals. The majority rule in these cases is that church autonomy is respected."What a crock.