Wouldn't this be fun?

by betweenworlds 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • betweenworlds

    Wouldn't it be great fun for some of us *apostates* to attend a meeting en masse? lol would be a most interesting experience :) Could they handle a whole pack of us? hehehehe. Just imagine all the scenarios that might ensue......

    <experiencing wavy dream sequence special effect>..................

    And let's all sit up front too!


    "Rewards and punishments are the lowest form of education." - Chuang-tzu, Chinese writer (c.369 B.C.-c.286 B.C.).

  • Simon

    I think this would be devastating to them long-term:

    The one thing that they have going for them that still works is the 'brother hood' aka. love bombing.

    Now, imagine if the strangers turning up at your hall are really apostate infiltrators that you only dicover when they make some answers during the watchtower (lol).

    Would they be as friendly and welcoming the next time someone turned up?

    Maybe they wouldn't snare as many people?

    Maybe without the 'friendliness' more would leave?

    I think this could have a big effect on them over a long time period.

    Hey, if nothing else, it would be fun!

  • betweenworlds
    Hey, if nothing else, it would be fun!

    Wouldn't it though?? (getting a wicked glint in m'eyes)


    "Rewards and punishments are the lowest form of education." - Chuang-tzu, Chinese writer (c.369 B.C.-c.286 B.C.).

  • ISP

    Indeed. You could also turn up at a hall wearing whatever you wanted.
    It would be worth taking the camera!


  • Mindchild

    I think it would cause a panic reaction in the congregation. Just remember how paranoid dubs are. They might think that this would be an act of terrorism and call the police to have everyone escorted out. I remember hearing about a case in one Kingdom Hall where they assigned big "brothers" as bouncers to keep out undesirables. They would essentially kick anyone out who wasn't welcome. In a congregation I was at, they once did the covered wagon trick by parking their cars close together in the parking lot and blocking the parking lot after meetings to prevent anyone from coming in late to disrupt the program (nobody ever did but they were worried it was going to happen).

    A few years ago, I went undercover to a congregation to get into the Hall library to get some information. I discovered that they had put a huge steel bar across the insided of the door during the meeting to keep out attackers. Paranoia rules in dub land.


  • avengers

    All you need is love da da da da da. All you need is love love. Love is all you need.

  • Naeblis

    Bah who's got the time? One of the reasons I left is so that I wouldn't HAVE to go to that mind numbing farce of a kingdom hall. Why would I go back?

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