Has any one heard the word s or somthing like them? "We can take my car but my tank is empty. So if you want to ride in the Jw mobile all riders need to chip in. Or I have $2 to help with gas?
Feild Circus and the Cost of Gas
by uwishufish 3 Replies latest jw friends
I have had freeloaders that wanted me to chip in, even though I lived within half a kilometer from them. And even though they often had calls in the area where I was going in at the time--at that, when gas was only 89 cents a gallon.
I have also had them charge me for rides to the boasting sessions. The "brothers" taking me lived less than a kilometer from me (one was virtually on the same block), taking less than an extra minute and maybe an extra kilometer (if that) of driving distance. Again, that was when gas was around a dollar a gallon--for sure, they are not incurring a dollar's expense each way by taking me to the boasting sessions.
Which also brings up the issue of value. If you are not going to get your dollar back in value from being at the boasting session, don't go. No matter the showcased helicoptor ride at $600 a boasting session--maybe that person got $600 in value from being there. But, if you are being charged $5 (or whatever it is) each way to the boasting session, and you are not getting that much value in being there, it's time to start missing them. The same goes for field circus--only go out if you are actually getting value equal or greater than what you are paying. Bear in mind that the time it wastes also adds to the cost--even if you don't pay any money, if you are not getting three hours' value out of being out there, you shouldn't go.
I was thinking about this the other day. My MIL is a pioneer and pretty much lives on a fixed income. I wonder how long it will be before she has to quit pioneering. I would imagine quite a few pioneers will drop out before too long if gas keeps going up. Most pioneers barely survive as it is on a part time job. Not to mention that groceries have sky-rocketed, at least in my area. My husband and I have good jobs and even we are feeling it.
My wife has told me that fewer people want to drive in service and that several people are carpooling to the DC and CA now. Everyone is trying to figure out how to do more with less.
The dubs have done phone and letter witnessing for years. But, in most places it always carried a laziness stigma (sorry for any who did it for real health reasons but the friends have never really respected phone and letter writing). Now, it is becoming much more mainstream.
Also, my wife told me that many more are doing informal witnessing while they're out doing errands.
She sees less and less people at the meeting for field service but everyone is still getting their time in - which means they are either liars or they're doing alternative forms of witnessing.
Just my news from the front line (well, one person back from the front line).