I have realized lately that I have come to terms in a way regarding the beliefs of the JW's.
For over thirty years, I did my best to be a productive, supporting member of the congregation.
Within the last three years there have been a number of deaths in my family.
And without slamming religion, I believe that I have finally "outgrown" the JW system.
People if they need it, all the more power to them.
Like a pair of tight shoes, this religion is something that I can no longer remain totally immersed in anymore.
looking into other beliefs, attending other churches has become something that is actually relaxing to me.
How can the JW's actually believe that god contains himself totally within the walls of the wtbts?
Without focusing on the bizzare beliefs/ history, have many of you anyone finally come to terms with just naturally outgrowing the JW's ?
by lancelink 7 Replies latest jw experiences
is it outgrowing or realization that it will choke the life out of you
Hello, I dont think i have outgrown it, i do think however that i have come to terms with the fact and realized that i do not need someone to tell me how to worship God
I think education can be synonomous with 'outgrowing' the JW phenomenon. When I started college after being df'd I realized how many lies were told to me and how I was raised to believe that questioning what you are told is sinful and 'apostate'.
Dane Girl
I've been DFd now for 13 years and am still experiencing the changing and outgrowing of the JW indoctrinization. Even when I thought I had completely let go of the psychological hold the org had on me, I was proven wrong many times. The love of my partner (who in fact was rather tough on me in regards to how much I had not moved on), having an excellent therapist over the last 4 years and getting a college education has been the key for me. Since I was raised into the JW org with a father who was an elder (emphasis on was), my road was (and still can be) very tough. For others, it can be easier, however, the org works so quickly on people that even a short amount of time with them can be extrememly damaging. A wide range of emotions need to be delt with, which is necessary in healing. However, the regret, sadness, anger and the whole lot of feelings can be a hindrance in moving forward with ones life. Hang in there and be strong!
38 Years
I used to think I was just plain burnt out of being a Witness and going through the motions, but I really just didn't believe in it anymore. I got older and wiser. When you're a kid, everything is rainbows and paradise. When you get older, you start giving a lot more thought to your life. I really stopped believing the literature, the scripture twisting didn't make sense. They were going to great lengths just to prove the same point over and over again. I wanted out, but stayed in for my family. I knew my feelings had nothing to do with my belief or faith in God.
Researching on the internet exposed what was really going on in Brooklyn. After reading "Crisis of Conscience", I happily quit without any guilt. My mom wasn't happy. My sister doesn't care, as long as I don't talk negatively about the organization. I was so inactive that the elders didn't bother with me. I didn't write a letter to quit, they didn't own me. I consider the whole organization to be "Fired".
I've been attending different churches and finally feel that I am loved by God, not condemned. I know that God doesn't want any of us to fail or feel like failures. I didn't know what "grace" was. The word was taken out of the NWT and replaced with the negative words of "undeserved kindness".
As time goes on, your freedom will lead you to peace and happiness.
"I didn't write a letter to quit, they didn't own me." I like your attitude about this! "I didn't know what "grace" was. The word was taken out of the NWT and replaced with the negative words of "undeserved kindness"." I didn't know this!
Outgrow is a good way to put it. In my case it was a detour or temporary regression. I was brought up with a "freer" concept of God and worship, but I was successfully indoctrinated during my late teens/early twenties. Thank goodness I stayed in college (yes, I thought of quitting or at least transferring from the LUTHERAN university I was attending). Anyway, I had a nagging urge to research the quoted "secular sources" cited in the publications. Laziness and fear kept me from doing it. Deep inside I knew there was a strong chance of me leaving due to "apostacy". These last three years I went through the motions knowing that God is not preoccupied with knocking on doors, wearing beards, holidays, proms, rap music, etc. I had a problem with the disproportionate amount of attention given to the publications instead of the bible. Thank goodness I was questioned by someone who knew the bible better than I did and used the JW proof texts to prove me wrong. I was ETREMELY UPSET at first(satan is testing me LOL), until I began to use my selective critical thinking skills on my beliefs. But I think the nail in the casket was the September 2007 KM. With the exception of a funeral, I have not attended a meeting since.