Doctor Jerry Bergman, author of the book "Jehovah's Witnesses and the problems of Mental Illness" reveals a study suggesting that the mental illness rate of Jehovah's Witnesses is appproximately 10-16times higher than the rate for the general non-Witness population (and that ) about 10 percent of the publishers in the average congregation are in serious need of professional help, even though many Witnesses are able to hide this fact quite well...We will be discussing this on the conference call this week Saturday July 5 7p.m.EST. One of our guests will be Lady Zombie (Name unknown) who will tell you of her friend who Jehovah's Witnesss have destroyed mentally. (Lady Zombie's) story will enrage you and hopefully move you to action to expose this dangerous and destructive cult. If you know someone or perhaps yourself have suffered psychological damage caused by the Watchtower org. please private mail me and we will get you on the call. To get on the conference calll. dial (712)432-8710 then use pin number 9925. The call is free, only your normal calling rate applies..
JW's and psychological problems on the conference call Sat. July 5
by kool aid man06 6 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Zombie
Thanks, Rick! I'm looking forward to telling my friend's story and the effect the WTBTS has had on her.
kool aid man06
Sociologically Jehovah's Witnesses are a destructive cult whose false teachings frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse,as well as needless deaths. Involvement with this dangerous group has led many to suicide, and it is amazing how many former Witnesses on our conference call came so close to suicide. Listen in Saturday night and hear real people talking about the horrors they have witnessed in "God's true organization"! -
Involvement with this dangerous group has led many to suicide, and it is amazing how many former Witnesses on our conference call came so close to suicide.
Ah, yes......Jehovah's happy people...........
Thanks and bttt.
kool aid man06
Many have asked about past recorded calls. Click the link http://.cowww.sixscreensofthewatchtowerm/conferencecall.html If you would like to come on the call and tell your story about how you suffered by being involved with the Witnesses private mail me and we will get you on the call.
kool aid man06
This Holiday weekend is a great time to get on the conference call. If you know of anyone who has suffered greatly from their involvement with the Watchtower org., or maybe you yourself have suffered and would like to tell your story, join us tonight .If you want to talk with me first before coming on private mail me. Thanks Rick