" there is a story of a young boy whom others in the neighbourhood used to tease, calling him retarded. Knowing that the boy was really quite intelligent, an elderly neighbour inquired of the other boys why they teased him so. " ' "Oh, we have fun with him because he's so dumb, " ' " one youngster replied. " ' " if you hold a nickel in one hand and a dime in the other , and offer both to him, he will take the nickel because it looks bigger. He'll do it every time!" ' " Later on, the elderly gentlemen called the "retarded" boy over and asked him why he took the nickel. " ' " thats easy," ' " the child replied. " ' " Some weeks I end up with a pocket full of nickels. But, if i took the dime, that would be the end of the game!" '
* my opinions*
intelligence can be hard to determine. in this book i am currently reading it goes on to say how " whether it is a matter of slowly collecting nickels, or finding common ground, or using probing questions, or saving some points for another time we should give thought to our aproach so as to reach the hearts of others.. " However, to me this mans view on apostasy sounds a little to close to jw ways for me... i am thinking of this illustration in a different way....
my " associates", as i am now choosing to call them, choose to believe that i am not intelligent because i have chosen a lessser path... to go into the " world"a stupid action according to many. why would i give up this so called dime ( everlasting life in a paradise on earth) for something of lesser value. aka the nickel ( a life of my own ) well the reasons are clear if i chose the dime it would be the end of the game. If i chose to believe the lies of the "truth" than that would be the end of my life. one way or another we are all going to die eventually. i am noit being dark or morbid this is the realistic truth.. regardless of your beliefs. i would have devoted my life to this "god" and sacrificed friends, love, education, jobs , thinking ability etc. everything that i hole dear to myself to gain something that only seems to be better..... but really when you look at what it entails. is of lesser value. reason being.. it is a fairy tale.
I am happy to say that i have chosen the pocket full of nickels.. i have chosen the harder road.. the "truth" says that being in the religion is the harder road but i dont believe that.. to leave such a cult and start to actually realize that you have to think for yourself, instead of relying on the beliefs of others and the notions of the gb. that is harder. this would be my nickel.. However, coming back day after day to chose to remain faithful to myself instead of giving into the opinions of others this gives me my pocket full.
there is true relief in realizing that not everything is as it seems