Since yesterday... I am itchy all over. Just as soon as one spot stops itching, then another starts. As soon as I start scratching, then the area comes up in bumps. My legs, back, stomach, scalp... even my ears! It must be an allergic reaction but I can't think what to. Aaargh!
Itchy and Scratchy
by Princess Daisy Boo 8 Replies latest jw friends
Buy Gold Bond Lotion, Extra Strength at Wal Mart.
Maybe you need to go to the Emergency Room before it gets out of hand
Do you have any antihisamines around the house? Like benadryl?? That might help the symptoms.
What were you around that was different?
I know, it's a reaction to "werewolve withdrawals"!!
Open mind
To pass the time between scratches:
om -
Some soaps do that to me. I had a shower using Irish Spring once, and I had to run downstairs naked and roll around on the rough carpet.
It got me out of field serviceā¢ though.
50mgs of Benadryl should help. We are a very allergic family, I know my stuff.
changeling :)
What has changed in your routine over the last few days?
Have you gone visited any new places recently?
Have you used any new soap products?
Try to isolate the possible cause.
If you continue to have the symptoms, I recommend seeing a doctor quickly!
Princess Daisy Boo
Thanks for all the suggestions and comments.
I really can't think of anything I did or came into contact with that could have triggered an allergic reaction. The only thing I know I am allergic to is Sulphur so I dont cope well with wine or preserved foods...
well I bathed in baby oil last night and then slathered myself in moisturiser and took two Allergex - I don't know if we have Benadryl in this country, but Allergex is the antihistamine that we had in the house... and I am a bit better today. My scalp is still a bit itchy, but the rest of my body is not too bad.