i stood up

by chickpea 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    last night my youngest kid was playing
    at the local bandshell with a "city band"...
    the theme, of course, 4th of july.....

    all the kids, and a g/f besides, were there
    and their papa and me....
    on the lakeshore with an amazing sunset....

    they played a medley of the armed services anthems
    and invited veterans to stand when their service was
    represented... and i stood up....for the first time ever.....
    and looked at the faces of people who applauded and
    saw genuine emotion that i had not experienced like that before

    it was incredibly moving for me alt

  • Quirky1

    Good for you chickie!

  • carla

    Good for you! I'm sure your kids also appreciated it. I know when my kids played at something for school and the anthem came up they were humiliated that their jw dad would be doing his little silent protest and remain seated. I was hugely embarrased too! Especially when I could see vets near us (identifed by hats, pins, etc). I would slowly try to slide ever further away as possible and put my purse between us so may be people wouldn't know I was with this ignorant slob. The only people who were seated were in wheelchairs, except for their dad who stood out like a sore thumb.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Chick,

    I feel the emotion, too. Good for you! I never could get the point of what Carla referenced:

    their jw dad would be doing his little silent protest and remain seated.

    Do I sit this time, or do I stand? Is this a test of my neutrality and a witness to all observers? Am I making Jehovah's heart glad? Hail the theocracy!

    Respect is respect. Somehow I cannot equate that with undue worshipful adoration. Did we have JFR to thank for this muddle?


  • chickpea

    although i served only in peacetime,
    i served honourably and i served well

    as a front line ambulance unit,
    we didn't work in our mission, per se
    but we served the community and
    were support for combat units
    during extended training exercises

    my DOD file has several letters of
    commendation for service above and beyond....

    it is one of those kinds of deals, ya know?
    this thing about being a former service member....
    if i have to explain it, you wouldnt understand

    SP4 chickpea (of the 88th ARCOM)
    "Veritas Caput"

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    "A Veteran, whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve, is a man or woman who, at some point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America," for an amount of "up to, and including my life.""

    That . . is . . honor!

    Thank you, chickpea, for your service to this great nation.

  • Robdar

    Hooray for the red, white and blue!

    Hooray for you too! Thank you for your honorable service.

  • lancelink

    thank you for your service !!

    several years ago when I was beginning my fade I took my 13 year old son to a reunion of soldiers that
    fought at D-day. I felt the usual JW guilt feelings beforehand, but after meeting the men, talking to them about
    their experiences, I felt nothing but shame for the way I felt earlier, these guys were all in their 70's and
    they all spent real personable time with my son explaining to him what it was like, and how they dealt with that day.
    several times I got choked up listening to them, it was a real soul-opening experience for me, and a lesson in
    reality for my son

    All I can say is good for you !!!!

  • searcher

    Nice one chickpea.

    I can never understand the WT's attitude toward this as they write so much about Jehovah of armies.

  • StAnn

    Thank you, Chickpea, for your service to your fellow man.


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