Greetings to All:
Lately I have seen it pointed out that the bible is indeed inspired, if only the parts that contain prophecy (that of course have "come true"). This compelled me to make the comment that anyone with any knowledge of the ways of humankind can be a pretty accurate prophet.
Prophecy, in one form or another, has been a necessary skill for all sorts of people throughout the ages. Anyone who needed to come up with a strategy needed to be an accurate prophet. Generals planning military campaigns, aspiring kings looking to usurp a throne, rulers of small countries needing to occupy their ambitious, more powerful neighbors, all utilized the skill of foresight/prophecy.
Who are today's modern prophets? They could be anyone from someone in politics planning a campaign to someone in marketing figuring out how to market a new product. Someone planning a social event would need to apply foresight, even someone as regular as a mom anticipating a child's needs plays the prophet from time to time.
It is simply a matter of knowing your fellow man and the way the world works. Prophecy is no big trick as I have done it countless times and I am sure so have most of you, whether you realize it or not.
In light of this obvious truth it is time that the believers of the bible came up with some other reason we must believe it to be divinely inspired. Prophecy is such a common, everyday occurance that we are either all divinely inspired or, as I contend, it is merely a little logic mixed with foresight, quite attainable for huge segments of the population.
Love to all,