Will The Pope Shame the Watchtower?

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Associated Press is reporting that the Pope issued
    an encyclical via e-mail apologizing for clergymen
    molesting children.

    Admittedly, such an apology can't change the past,
    however, it can provide a useful moral contrast
    with the deceitful, stiff-necked Watchtower leadership
    - who pointedly REFUSE to apologize.

    I suppose such humility and repentance could be destructive
    to authority in this organization, since there are a
    number of things to apologize for:

    Covering up child molesters
    False prophesy
    Public anti-semitic remarks by the Society's President
    The torture and death of brothers who refused
    alternative service
    Innocent people raped and murdered in Malawi due
    to inconsistent Watchtower policy

    and so on

    I'm no fan of the Catholic Church but in this tiny
    way, clearly they've done better than the sick leadership
    of the Watchtower - and its refusals.


  • patio34


    I agree! The WTS apologizes for nothing.

    It's as if their side is so fragile, any admission of error will cause the dam to burst forth. (M-m-m)

    Even when an active JW, it annoyed me how they would say stuff such as "SOME have attempted to put a limit on the generation . . ." when it was THEM!

    There were so many of these kinds of statements, putting the blame on the R&F. But this is well-plowed ground, their MO, I know.


  • Yerusalyim

    Well, that we see the Catholic Church apologizing puts the Church head and shoulders above the Watchtower Society. I AM a fan of the Catholic Church, but have been Highly critical on how it has approached not only molestation cases, but all sexual picadillows of the clergy.

    We need to be honest though, ministers even Catholic ministers, do not have the highest rate of pedophilia in the professional world. Percentage wise (according to a 1999 APA study) pediatricians have a higher rate of pedophilia than do the clergy of any religion. However, The AMA has never tried to protect the pedophiles.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Bang
    However, The AMA has never tried to protect the pedophiles.

    But, for christians it's not so easy to hang someone out to dry, particularly if the have demonstrated a repentant disposition. Christians don't require revenge, but they do carry the responsibility of preventing further abuses occuring - oh, and not being stiff-necked.


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