Flag Waving vs Christianity

by Amazing 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Some JWs who know I now wave the flag of the USA, point to me and say, "See how far you have gone down since leaving the Organization!"

    The Bible does not say one word about national symbols of political origin. The Roman Empire was littered with all kinds of national and military symbols as was Egypt with its 'Winged Disc" that Charles Russell placed on the cover of Studies in the Scriptures. And recall that Jehovah supposedly chose Russell for his faithfulness, love of truth, and publishing pure truth at the right time!

    Given this, when Roman Army Officer Cornelius, became a convert to the Christian faith, not one word was stated to him about leaving the Roman Army, or not waving the Roman political and military symbols he must have carried with his men.

    The USA states that it is for freedom and liberty. The President states that the national act of fighting terrorism is about justice and accountability. Given that the Apostle Paul clearly stated in no uncertain terms to the Roman Christians that God appointed the government and Caesar as his Minister for executing such 'Justice' with the sword, then to take a stand against these "authorities" is to stand against God himself. I would think that the Watch Tower Lying and Deceit Corporation would be waving the USA flag on every Bethel building and every Kingdom Hall.


  • Prisca
    I would think that the Watch Tower Lying and Deceit Corporation would be waving the USA flag on every Bethel building and every Kingdom Hall.

    Does that include Bethel buildings and KHs not in America too? [8>]

    Prisca, Non-Flag-Waving and Tired-of-Nationalism Class

  • Yadirf
    Some JWs who know I now wave the flag of the USA, point to me and say, "See how far you have gone down since leaving the Organization!"

    For the life of me, I can't imagine who that might have been. hummm? maybe there's a clue in this thread:- http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=16112&site=3

    Okay I'm taking the bait, O Great Wizard … well sorta.

    to take a stand against these "authorities" is to stand against God himself. I would think that the Watch Tower Lying and Deceit Corporation would be waving the USA flag on every Bethel building and every Kingdom Hall.
    I contend that the WTS has done no such thing. The WTS does indeed recognize Caesar and his laws, and complies with all of them except those that interfere with a Christian paying back the things that belong to God.

    It only stands to reason that a true Christian should abstain from indulging in acts of patriotism, given the fact that ALL governments are presented in the Bible as being under the influence of the fomenter of human rule, Satan the Devil. See the 12th & 13th chapters of Revelation, as well as the 2nd & 7th chapters of Daniel.

    Paul clearly stated in no uncertain terms to the Roman Christians that God appointed the government and Caesar as his Minister
    Our Great Wizard, Amazing, who was too lazy to provide references to the scriptures he alludes to, hasn’t an inkling of an idea of the correct sense of what the Bible actually says in Romans 13:1-7. Nor is it possible for anyone to explain it to him, for his mind is carnal. Just as he can’t grasp the sense of Daniel and Revelation, neither can a worldly mind such as he has understand the true sense of what Paul said in Romans.

    “(formerly Friday on H20)”

    Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Yadirf


    Does that include Bethel buildings and KHs not in America too? [8>]
    Excellent question!


    Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • gumby

    Amen amazing. If a christian wishes to display the country he lives in and is proud of, there is nothing scripturally against such an act.
    This country has done some great things for it's people though it's highly imperfect as we all are.It has also done some bad things and still does...as we all do.
    What is shamefull is an organization that demands it's adherants to not do the things you mentioned or else!
    As you said, even the bible tells us to PRAY for the kings and nobles that we may all live a godly life. And they are his MINISTERS.
    Would we protect our family from danger of ones trying to bring them harm? YES! Why would we not lay down our life for our fellow man if a justifiable issue comes up?
    The bible say's:"No greater love does one have than to lay down his life for his fellow man"
    I personally feel no need to fly the flag or be patriotic,but have no issue with those that do. Keep up your good posts my friend!!!!!!!

  • ISP

    The flag waving recently in the US seemed to me to show solidarity for those lost in the attack and a determination to pursue the wrongdoers. Thats reasonable IMO. I also think flag waving can be healthy...consider the olympics etc. The winners often drape themselves in the national flag and fans give support by waving their flags. Christians should be confident that the flying of a flag does not imply hatred to others.


  • TR


    It only stands to reason that a true Christian should abstain...
    Damn I'm sick and tired of the WT speak. Statements like that, Yadirf, are just typical WT reasoning with no basis in fact according to the bible. Can't you see that? For Jesus Herbert Christ's sake, man! It's just bluster and bullshit conjured up by some dried up, brain-dead skaggs that you follow. Amazing pointed out that there is NO reference from the bible for a christian having to follow the dictates of the WTS on this matter.

    Case fricking closed!


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Yadirf


    Damn I'm sick and tired of the WT speak. Statements like that, Yadirf, are just typical WT reasoning with no basis in fact according to the bible. Can't you see that? For Jesus Herbert Christ's sake, man! It's just bluster and bullshit conjured up by some dried up, brain-dead skaggs that you follow.

    Look, fella, this guy ain't copying off of nobody ... not even the WTS. I even have a slightly different viewpoint regarding the details of the relevant stuff in Daniel and Revelation than what the WTS presents. So don't accuse me of having to stand on someone else's legs. I got my own reasons for the beliefs I adhere to.

    Amazing pointed out that there is NO reference from the bible for a christian having to follow the dictates of the WTS on this matter.

    He hasn't done anything close to what he thinks he's done, and which you HOPE that he's done.

    Case fricking closed!

    Likely so. Not because you or the Great Wizard knows what you are talking about, but because the Great Wizard will do his USUAL by not returning to the threads he starts. Haven't you ever noticed that with Amazing? I've witnessed it time and time again. It's merely "hit and run" with him a great deal of the time on threads he author's. The Great Wizard and I go back quite a long way, all the way back to the old H20. One of the first posts I made on that forum had to do with one of those very scriptures ... in Revelation. He promised to get back with me after I challenged his remarks, but never did. So one day I finally chased him down sometime way down the road, and reminded him of his promise. He said that he had forgotten, and that he would later ... which he never did. Sometime after that I reminded him once again about his promises. He told me that if I'd remind him of what it was over that he'd get on it. I simply said: "Forget it!"


    Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

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