Some JWs who know I now wave the flag of the USA, point to me and say, "See how far you have gone down since leaving the Organization!"
The Bible does not say one word about national symbols of political origin. The Roman Empire was littered with all kinds of national and military symbols as was Egypt with its 'Winged Disc" that Charles Russell placed on the cover of Studies in the Scriptures. And recall that Jehovah supposedly chose Russell for his faithfulness, love of truth, and publishing pure truth at the right time!
Given this, when Roman Army Officer Cornelius, became a convert to the Christian faith, not one word was stated to him about leaving the Roman Army, or not waving the Roman political and military symbols he must have carried with his men.
The USA states that it is for freedom and liberty. The President states that the national act of fighting terrorism is about justice and accountability. Given that the Apostle Paul clearly stated in no uncertain terms to the Roman Christians that God appointed the government and Caesar as his Minister for executing such 'Justice' with the sword, then to take a stand against these "authorities" is to stand against God himself. I would think that the Watch Tower Lying and Deceit Corporation would be waving the USA flag on every Bethel building and every Kingdom Hall.