Going to the convention Sunday with mum...help me Jehoover! save me Satan!

by Witness 007 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Last year I missed the Convention for the first time in 30 years, no problems. This year my old non-English Congregation is traveling to my new city with my mother and they have heard I'm in-active. So, I've had tonnes of invites and my mum has asked me to come. One Witness family who are best friends with my wife are coming to stay. I feel obligated to go....sorry guys! Please don't disfellowship me from JWD!

    Please note my mum is around 70 anionted and it means 100 Christmas's to her if I go....her happiness for 10 hours of Witness crap.

  • FadingAway

    If it makes you feel any better, myself and others attended all 3 days and haven't been kicked of JWD yet. I tried to record the DC so I could post audio of it here, but I couldn't stand it at times and started listening to some worldy music. Closing prayers are much better when you have rap music blasting in your ears.

  • jgnat

    I'll gladly warm a cold seat for a day for the sake of my JW hubby. It's not like I'm at risk of being converted. Bring lots of snacks and a blank notebook.

  • WTWizard

    That is when you start taking notes. Anything that sticks out as being particularly horrible should be written down, and posted here on this forum. It will give someone else (perhaps someone that is going to their first Grand Boasting Session later) a reason to not go.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yes thank jgnat I know how that feels. Wizzard I will always have more ammo after such a meeting.

  • jgnat

    Oh, the notebook is not for the convention. It is for my sanity. I write for myself, sometimes entire short stories. It is not possible to hold attention for eight hours of repeated dribble.

    I did take baptism statistics, however. They seem to be down. Overall attendance is on a steady decline. I have to check my notes, but it seems to me that they've somehow lost about 1500 members in the past five years.

  • sweetstuff

    Please note my mum is around 70 anionted and it means 100 Christmas's to her if I go....her happiness for 10 hours of Witness crap.

    Hmm, you think that if she's anointed Jesus would have already given her a heads up that you are a lost cause, or is anointment like a one time telephone convo from God, Hello...hey you won the grand prize of eternal life in heaven, will contact you again after death, thank you for your patience!

    Do what you gotta do Wit, but make sure you don't let the wolves into your sheep den, aka, don't tell NOTHING about your life or your biz to anyone otherwise it may come back to bite you big time. They will all faun over you to your face, watch your back mate.

  • undercover

    The beauty of being non-JWs and ex-JWs is that we won't judge you harshly if you feel the need to go to the KH or assembly for whatever reason. It's your decision, you don't have to justify it to us.

    But we do feel empathy for those that feel that they "have" to go when they don't want to...

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