Chocolate covered peanuts/fruit cocktail .how i stopped eating them!

by chrisjoel 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • chrisjoel

    THEY COVERED IN INSECT GLAZE. So im enjoying them a lttle too much and so i looked at the ingredients.....and its says shellac...I thought theyre using the same stuff ppl use to varnish their wood cabinets with? Its a secretion by the LAC insect. It is dried and its used to glaze candy. I looked for a pic of the insect and flushed the rest of the chocolate covered peanuts down the toilet.

    Chocolate covered peanuts are dead to me.

    Fruit cocktail is using artificial coloring in the cherries. This coloring is called carmine and is derived from the dried bodies of the cochineal insect." Actually cochineal is a red dye made from the bug Dactylopius coccus.

  • ohiocowboy

    I understand where you are coming from. I pick through every can or package of food I open. I have found insects before in canned green beans, a weird shaped rotten black thingy in mixed veggies, along with other occasional oddities. I end up throwing the whole can away. Usually I get fresh veggies and opt for those, but sometimes use canned because of convenience. Actually the FDA allows a certain percentage of rat droppings, hair, and other goodies in the food we eat, especially flours and grains, breads, etc. It is impossible to remove it all, so they allow it as long as it doesn't go over a certain small percentage.

    I have been aware that certain red dyes are made from the beetles, but try not to think too much about it.

    Things I will NOT eat are anything that says mechanically separated in the ingredients, especially meat.

    I think I would still eat the chocolate covered peanuts though as there are far worse things you could eat. Chocolate covered ants and grasshoppers come to mind!

  • jaguarbass

    Switch to M&Ms and help out the US economy.

  • Satanus

    Among some people, bugs are considered highly nutricious. They would probably dump the beens and eat the bug.


  • chrisjoel

    Someone else, a truck driver, said when he was hauling fig newton paste- he read the ingredients and it said 15% rodent and insect.

  • hillbilly

    Marachino cherries are made from tree falls.....they bleach them and dye them red.

    You should see the apples and fruit that go into canned pie filling and applesauce.


  • BreakingAway

    How about shellacking insects with chocolate ?

  • misanthropic
    THEY COVERED IN INSECT GLAZE. So im enjoying them a lttle too much and so i looked at the ingredients.....and its says shellac...I thought theyre using the same stuff ppl use to varnish their wood cabinets with? Its a secretion by the LAC insect. It is dried and its used to glaze candy. I looked for a pic of the insect and flushed the rest of the chocolate covered peanuts down the toilet.

    I always wonder how people come up with these ideas. It's very interesting but it intrigues me that someone just brainstormed the idea in the first place and everyone went along with it. Apparently in small quantities it must not be toxic but I don't like the idea of eating it either.

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