So It appears my dad is keeping track of when I left. He has mailed me a letter - the first contact in over 6 months - because it has been a year since I left the Borg.
For the sake of explanation, Dad is a third Gen witness and has been an elder all of my life - PO in most of the congs I was in.
Yesterday I received a letter from him, it began with "Hi Boy, this is your annual newsletter of births,deaths, marriages etc so thata you know what is going on with the family" and then went on to recount the family news for the year. It was actually very touching and made me cry. He finished it with "we only want whats best for you" (which i read as - we have to discipline you in line with what Jehovah's standards are or you will die at armageddon).
So I wrote back. A newsy little epistle about how happy I am, and how much I love my job, and that I am seeing someone.
I wonder if he will reply?