My Dad's "Annual" Letter to his Wayward son...

by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up

    So It appears my dad is keeping track of when I left. He has mailed me a letter - the first contact in over 6 months - because it has been a year since I left the Borg.

    For the sake of explanation, Dad is a third Gen witness and has been an elder all of my life - PO in most of the congs I was in.

    Yesterday I received a letter from him, it began with "Hi Boy, this is your annual newsletter of births,deaths, marriages etc so thata you know what is going on with the family" and then went on to recount the family news for the year. It was actually very touching and made me cry. He finished it with "we only want whats best for you" (which i read as - we have to discipline you in line with what Jehovah's standards are or you will die at armageddon).

    So I wrote back. A newsy little epistle about how happy I am, and how much I love my job, and that I am seeing someone.

    I wonder if he will reply?

  • BFD

    I think it's nice that he does that. It's better than nothing I suppose.

    He will likely not reply to you until the next semi-yearly update and not even comment about your note.

    Of course that is if Armageddon doesn't come before that.


  • Indo_Dude

    Since it's only been 6 months you may be able to keep prying that door open more and more.

    Include pictures too if you can that show you happy, smiling, etc.

  • yknot

    That is wonderful!

    Love is still love anyway you can get it.

    Glad you wrote back, hope you make that a biannual event don't forget to send pictures too!

    I think I will suggest that to my DFd sister.

  • changeling

    baby steps...

    changeling :)

  • LouBelle

    At least he keeps you up to date - The only time my family will notify me is if there is a death in the family.

  • jgnat

    It seems he's found a way to keep in touch within the limits of his "laws".

  • jamiebowers

    You are lucky that your dad is so loving. I've been out for 20 years, and my mom never has contacted me, even in the case of a death in the family. Good luck in keeping the contact going!

  • Greensleeves

    STR8, the letter is a good thing. If he wasn't preachy in it, and spoke of family, that means he wants to keep the door open to you. I know first hand how this goes, and I will share quickly what I can tell you.

    If he does get preachy on you, realize that he can't help but be your witness Dad. Ignore it, and be polite. Avoid trying to prove him wrong. It won't work, and it will just make him work harder. YOU COULD show him or tell him what seems to be the most logical evidence that he is wrong, and it will cause him to alienate you or attempt harder to prove you wrong.

    Now, what I said is hard to put into practice. It's hard to let your Dad get away with thinking he's right about everything, or maybe thats just me. But do avoid at all cost arguing with him about the things you know are right. It likely won't change his mind. I have tried it for the last 5 years with my Dad, and it hasn't helped family matters at all. Dad doesn't like me, and he told the rest of my JW family about how I am misguided. You can't prove them wrong, they won't listen.

    I had a lot of good times with my Dad and other family before I started the "apostate" behaviour. We went camping and other fun things. As long as you don't try to bore a hole in their protective belief doctrine, you will still enjoy good times with them.

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