Here is a issue of the Bible Student Monthly. This a large 4 page tract, this is no.7 of volume 7."
The bsm tract publication started in 1913 so this one should be from 1919, The tracts mentioned in the ads seem to comfirm that.
I have the pages split in 2 with a small overlap, because I did not get them stitched
It is searchable
To Download:
Mentions The Home Laymens Missionary movement
There is an ad for the six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures and a subscription of The Watch Tower, the seventh volume is not mentioned
Part of it reads:
Is the general title of a series of Six intensely interesting volumes from the well-known pen
of Pastor Russell . They now enjoy a circulation of over eight million copies, in 19 principal
languages of the world. For a candid, lucid presentation of the Bible's teaching, we believe
these volumes cannot be surpassed. The contrast between the true God held forth in
STUDIE S IN THE SCRIPTURE S and the God of the creeds is so marked that the public
is taking notice, and thousands upon thousands from all schools and denominations are
testifying to the blessings received by these writings. "The Existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Creator " is the subject of an entire chapter , "The Bible a Divine Revelation " is an-
other , while "The Permission of Evil " is discussed invincibly, and in a manner sure to
satisfy all who believe th e Bible to be God' s Word of Truth . Note a few extracts :"