...I heard this today for the first time in a while and it completely summed up how I feel about keeping my feelings about the borg from my husband.
A song that resonated with me today...
by Mickey mouse 6 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
Sorry, I have trouble embedding the page with Firefox so given up and put the link instead.
Here it is ...
This song reminds me of Tori Amos a lot. Very good!
Mickey mouse
Thankyou Hamilcarr
I don't know what it is about Madonna songs. She was never a favorite of mine, but there are a few songs of her's that can make me cry. I posted before about this, but her song "Live to Tell" was popular when I was in an abusive jw marriage. It reminds me very much how I felt at the time. I couldn't tell anyone except the elders, and they were useless. I really was so afraid that I wouldn't live to tell. Shit, I'm crying now...
Here it is ...
Nice song, but nicer for the cello. Not enough cello in todays music. Such a beautiful instrument.