u are so selfish and so god-damned perfect at the same time...

by cognac 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    How can somebody be so annoying and be so friggen perfect at the same time? Just curious, cause it's so obnoxious....

    PS. I don't mean this in a JW sort of way, just a general sort of way.

  • babygirl75

    Sorry....My bad! LOL

  • Gordy

    Usually its because some one is so perfect, that makes them so annoying.

  • cognac

    lol... just listenning to this song and thought about it...


  • Gopher

    I heard someone say "Those people think they know everything really annoy those of us who do."

  • cognac

    nah, gopher... that's not the type of perfect I meant. I meant, somebody that's so annoying and perfect to you at the same time... It could actually be a person that is actually very nice and humble... However, to you personnally, he/she's annoying....

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    It could actually be a person that is actually very nice and humble... However, to you personnally, he/she's annoying....

    If that was the case, I would take a look at my own attitude to that person and try to work out why they 'pushed my buttons' so much - who or what does their personality trait remind me of etc?

    The truth will set you free...

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