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There is a letter that has led to the disfellowshipping of its author. He had sent it to an elderly sister that had known the era of the "Cross in the Crown". She even wore it during many years. That woman has always been considered as an "Anointed", and the author of this letter had a great confidence in her. Well, instead of giving a satisfying response, she has transmitted this letter to the body of elders of his congregation, that they had hurry themselves to find in it a pretext of apostasy. At that time, the author had not yet a perfect knowledge of Freemasonry, but in the whole his researches and his intuition were totally accurate. We now submit this letter to your judgment, for the purpose that you would be able to make your opinion.
My dear J., dear D.,
That now makes a long time that we haven’t seen each other. I have learnt recently that you were moved to the north of France, in your "country of the north" as you liked to say it. I would have liked to write to you for other reasons than the one you will find within this letter, but I believe that you are my last resort, especially you my dear J. In fact, it is to you particularly that I address this letter. First of all, I hope that your health is going on well in spite of your grand age. J., I am calling to all your years in the "Truth", at your lived experiences, to your frankness which has always known to convince me.
From the time of my last phone conversation with D., I have had the occasion to expose him my interrogations on a subject that seems taboo to me, namely, the "past" of the Watchtower Society. The history of the Society had never interested me more than that before, or at least not more than that it had been published. However, there is now more than a year, a question at first sight ordinary has been asked to me at the moment of an informal testimony. Yet, I have not received a satisfying answer from our theocratic authorities. This question has rather received a surprising reception before those to whom I have asked it, elders, overseers and even the Bethel. What that seems obvious, it is that there is a will clearly shown to do not want to answer me, and even to do not look for an answer at all. With your permission, I would like to relate my story, and maybe then receive in the measure of your possibilities an explanation.
In the context of my work, I have known a man of protestant confession. As time was passing by, he told me that he was a Presbyterian Pastor and that he gave lectures every Sunday in the temple of his city. We have rapidly sympathized and we have exchanged numerous biblical thoughts. Following that I have known his family and our discussions have increased. One day he asked me how our work had begun. At a another visit, I have brought him the book that the Society has published in 1993 "Jehovah’s Witnesses, Proclaimers of the Kingdom of God, that described the history of the Society. We have had a look at it together and I have presented to him the different era of our development.
Everything was going well until the moment when we arrived at page 200. This page presents an old "Watch Tower", with on the front page the symbol of "the Cross in the Crown". When he saw this symbol he ahs completely changed his attitude. He has been surprised, rather astonished, his wife too. I did not understand that reaction. Later, he has asked me if I knew the meaning of this logo. I have admitted that I did not know. So, he have advised me to ask my teachers in order to learn it, because according to him, this symbol is very particular, even dangerous. Since, he does not want to talk about the truth with me.
With this bit of information, I have then asked the question to the elders of my congregation, and to two overseers. Many of them do not know anything about that. However, for some of them that question seems to be disturbing! Instead of giving me explanations, as D. has done for instance, I have had the right to ungracious remarks and the order have been intimated to me to do not continue to look for more at that subject. Why? What is so much particular in this symbol for not having the right to be interested by it? I have then taken the decision to write to the Bethel to know more on that subject. I have still not received an answer, which now does make nine months!
Two months later, I have seen again the Pastor. He has asked me if I had received an explanation. I told him that no, so he presented me his answer. Among his seminary’s books, he had one that discuss of the particular field of spiritualism, especially the method to recognize the symbols and attitudes related to this field. On a certain page of this book, he showed me the famous symbol, the Cross and the Crown. This emblem is exclusively used by the "Freemasonry", notably by the Great and Worshipful Master of this institution, and that since ten centuries. It is the Templar symbol of the Commanderie, the highest grade of the "York’s Rite", the tenth degree. This institution even if based on brotherhood, is involved in the occult, spiritualism and the communication with the spirits. Interesting detail, the ritual of this institution uses the Name of God in its primary form, the Tetragram. This is what he showed me. Since that moment, we have not met again; he does not wish to have any contact with me.
This discovery has been shocking for me, because nobody seems to know this meaning, and the Society has never talked to us about it before. Since that day, I have then made deep researches that have revealed themselves enriching and astonishing. My starting point has been, first of all, to learn what is Freemasonry, the way it works, what it teaches, who are the people that work in it, what is his field of speculation, social, politic and religious. All this has been relatively easy, because the books explaining what is that brotherhood are numerous in the commerce. Meantime, I have sought to discover who was exactly the founder of the Society, Charles T. Russell. So, who was this particular man that one day has received the impulsion to get involved in a so much deep study of the Bible? What was the force that pushed him to devote his life at the propagation of the knowledge contained in the Bible? To know it I have started the reading of his books "Studies in the Scriptures". I have read them in six months. These are extraordinary books. What a persuasion, what a force in these sayings! What courage to dare to say all this!
However, there is something that has called me out, it is the explanations based on the pyramids. The biblical reference used basically is the one in Isaiah 19 : 19-20. According to Russell, the Bible seemed, at least at that time, to make corroborate the explanation according to which the Great Pyramid of Guizah was a stone Witness for God. How come that they did not never spoke to us about that before? In the book of the Society cited before, we have access at a little boxed article on that subject on more than 600 pages of history! Now, the work of Russell has lasted all of the same 40 years, and his books and the majority of his lectures did talk only about this theme. So why to seek to minimize that particular vision of the Bible, even to ignore it?
Certainly, you would tell me that at that time we were still soaking in the world. We were still practicing things that today we have abandoned. But what I want to talk to you now has nothing to see with Christmas or the anniversaries. What I have discovered through my researches, it is that the Freemasons carry out the same work of speculation based on the Bible and on the Pyramid of Guizah, like Russell has done it during all his life. So my first question is to know if our Pastor was a Freemason? And the companion of our Pastor from which we talk so often in our books, but that we dare hardly to call brothers, did they make the work of companionship of the Freemasons, by the mean of the preaching? In this letter you will find copies of documents coming from books discussing Freemasonry.
The above representations correspond to many variations of the symbol used by Russell on the front page of the Watch Tower (*) from 1891 to 1931, that is to say 40 years. Rutherford has used it anyway for fifteen years! The meaning of this symbol in Latin is "In Hoc Signo Vinces", translated that means "By this sign you will conquer". The document 1 represent the initiation book of the York’s Rite, the symbol that has an interest for me is there in a good place and correspond to the supreme grade of "Knight’s Templar". The document 2 presents the arcane mysteries of the York’s rite, the Cross and Crown symbol is there at the summit. There can be no doubt at that subject. So, what do I must conclude?
1) 2)
Unfortunately, unable to rely on the brothers at the Bethel to obtain an answer, nor with the elders, I have then seek to contact modern Russelittes, the one that today publish Russell’s books under the edition of the ‘Mouvement Missionaire Intérieur Laïc’. I have meet one of them, and he has easily been able to give an answer to my question, and it correspond to the one of the protestant pastor. This gentleman has also oriented me on another particular symbol that is on the cover of the books of the series "Studies in the Scriptures" (3) published from 1911 (reproduced on the document 4). What is this symbol? He corresponds to the god "Ahouramazda" (document 5).
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At the beginning he represented the Egyptian god "Ra", Sun god that spreads his wings to protect his people. Some centuries later, we find it again in the "Zoroastrianism" under the name above. Today, he is the official emblem of the "Rosicrucian" (documents 6 and 7), Masonic obedience very specific practicing the biblical speculation in the name of Jehovah, but practicing especially the occultism under all its forms. Would Russell did have links with those people at any moment in his life? Additionally, how did he make to discover that the name of God was Jehovah? Was not that name hold secret, almost at that time? More than that, only the Rosicrucian pronounced this sacred name under that form. Come to that, all the cathedrals of Europe where that name figures have been build by sacred or dedicated Rosicrucian. Amazing!
This gentleman has also taught me some surprising things about the schism that did occurred after the suspicious death of Russell, on October 31st 1916, on the night of Halloween. Really, this gentleman gave me the feeling that he knew a lot about the Society! After that, he advised me to contact a member of the Rosicrucian brotherhood to better discern the meaning of the Ahouramazda’s logo, and then to understand why Russell had put it after that on his books. Some weeks later, I took contact with a Rosicrucian individual sitting outside a café.
That individual was very kind, and he accepted to answer some of my questions, but not all. He gave me the meaning of that logo form with those wings around the sun. Because of this symbol, the Masonic works are always crowned with success. In the discussion, he also gave me their meaning of the word Watchtower. In fact, from where does come this name? Our book "Jehovah’s Witnesses, Preachers…" claim in a footnote on page 48: "The expression Watchtower is not peculiar to Russell’s writings and to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In 1850, George Storrs has written a book entitled: "The Watch Tower, or the Man in the Death, and the Hope of a Future Life". This expression appears also in the title of different religious magazines." Of which religious magazines do we speak about exactly here? Let this Rosicrucian explain it to us:
"Since l a little more than four centuries, the Rosicrucian publishes numerous books and magazines, based on biblical explanations studied in their lodges. Those books and magazines are published in many Masonic review, especially under the cover of numerous evangelic branches and the Mormons (anyway their leaders are all Freemasons on the highest step of the Masonic ladder, 33rd degree of the Scottish rite or the 10th degree of the York’s rite – those degrees have all the same meaning of grade: Supreme Great Master)."The spirit called during their meetings gives those explanations to them. To invocate the spirit, they use the "Enochian Language". This language is divided in five "Zones", more commonly called "Watchtower". Each of these zones corresponds to a method of communication with the spirits, or if you prefer, the use of magic formulas more or less complex. At that point, I have to signal you that I have not wanted to invest me more in those steps, because I do not wish to know the method of work used in occultism. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that George Storrs was Rosicrucian, George Stetson also (confirmations coming from the Rosicrucian archives). Both of them were good friends of Russell; anyway he called them my brothers (see the book Proclaimers, the box on page 45 and 46). What can we conclude from those explanations? Can we believe it or not?
What I retain of all this, it is that the Freemasonry gathers together all the symbols, the terms and the method of work that the Watchtower Society used at that time. Some things have been kept in our days, like his Name for instance. Must we believe that there would have been at that time possible links between those two institutions? Can you answer me?
You see, that that disturbs me the most in this entire story, it is the silence of the Society. As much I can admit that the elders do not know what to answer to this relevant question exposed at the beginning of this letter, as much it seems to me unacceptable that the Society is not able to answer it. The subject here is his past, a past apparently well strange and well kept, that its books does not seem to reveal frankly. But the past cannot be denied. The absence of answer seems to me unfortunately a confession! (*)
That was the resume of my story. I hope to do not fear you through those discoveries. I hope over all that you will bring me an element of answer, if you want to. I know that you have always had a deep admiration for Russell, so that for his work, so I also do not wish to stain, nor defame his memory by this letter. I seek merely to know the Truth.
In the anticipation to read you, I kiss you tenderly, greet cordially D. for me. See you soon if Jehovah wants it.
(*) Representation of the first page of the "Watch Tower" at the time of Charles Taze Russell.
(*) This colour represents the passage that has been retained against me. Like I dare to express my opinion on a compromising situation, they have judged that my ideas apostate and my questions indiscreet, so guilty in front of the Watchtower according to its own law in the KS, the secret book of the elders.
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