Does anyone remember where this line came from? Which WT or Awake! or pub? Or if you can scan it, that would be excellent. Need it for a meeting with my sister. Thank you.
Need Info: A Religion that Lies Cannot be True
by bluesapphire 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
The wt97 cd gave the following:
*** w91 12/1 7 Is Any Religion Good Enough? ***
How to Choose the Right Religion
What will guide us in choosing the right religion? The Encyclopædia Universalis is correct when it highlights the importance of truth. A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. The greatest prophet that ever walked on earth stated: “God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”—John 4:24SS
The 2 paragraphs that follow the one above:
*** w91 12/1 7 Is Any Religion Good Enough? ***
That prophet was Jesus Christ, and he also declared: “Be on your guard against false religious teachers, who come to you dressed up as sheep but are really greedy wolves. You can tell them by their fruits. . . . Every good tree produces sound fruit, but a rotten tree produces bad fruit.” (Matthew 7:15-17, Phillips) Seeing the bad fruit of the world’s “great” religions, and even of the sects and cults that have sprung up, many sincere people are coming to view them all as ‘rotten trees,’ simply not good enough. But how can they find the true religion?
Obviously it would be impossible to study all the thousands of religions inside and outside Christendom before making a choice. However, if—as Jesus said—we use truth and fruitage as touchstones, it is possible to identify true religion
SS: Can you scan this page for me? I don't have the bound volume. I need it for a meeting my brother is going to have with my sister. This is perfect!
Sorry, no got scanner. Anybody else?
1991 isn't that old, maybe your sister would have it.
She only has the CD rom since she lives in a small room rented from my dad. Besides, we are getting her by surprize. I will have to wait and see if anybody else might have a scanned copy. Otherwise, I will have to print out the words and the reference. That will do, but not as good as a scan.
Good luck.